• Please come out this year and support all of our amazing student athletes and hardworking coaches. 

    Student All Sports Pass

    The cost of the pass for the entire year is $35. This allows admission to all athletic events, excluding post-season play and special events. This pass will not be honored for state series games either.  All student-athletes receive free entry by paying their athletic fee of $35 thru My School Bucks. The student athlete will receive an email from GoFan Ticketing upon completion of their payment.  Any questions, please email Athletic Director Coach Smart at bryan.smart@osceolaschools.net

    Varsity Game Pricing

    Football - $6 for both adult and student tickets

    All other sports- $5 adult and $3 students

    Freshmen and JV Game Pricing

    On game days when there is NO Varsity game scheduled -$4 adult and $2 student


    Varisty Football games only- $5 for each vehicle