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Neptune Middle School - Osceola County, FL

Every Child, Every Chance, Every Day!

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School News

  •  Keep Osceola Safe

    Keep Osceola Safe

    The Osceola School Board is committed to the safety and security of all students, staff, and visitors. The Osceola School District has detailed comprehensive safety and emergency plans for every site, and all schools regularly conduct various drills, such as fire drills, severe weather drills, and intruder drills, to prepare students for an emergency.

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  •  Let's Talk

    Let's Talk with the Osceola School District

    The Osceola School District is committed to engaging all stakeholders in the education of our children. Only when we build strong relationships with our staff, students, families and community members can we best meet the needs of each and every student.

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  •  Share Your Great

    Share Your Great

    Have you been inspired by someone in our schools? Is your school helping us build our legacy as we move from Good to Great? Do you have a teacher who has made a difference on your life or the life of your child? Share the good news with us!

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  •  Here Comes The Bus

    Learn More About Here Comes The Bus

    ​Here Comes the Bus is easy-to-use school bus tracking software that gives parents and students the ability to track the location of their school buses.

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School District News

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Principal's Message

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    4th Quarter Message

    April 2025

    Dear Parents and Students,

    As we embark on the 4th quarter of the school year, I want to take a moment to recognize the incredible progress we have made together. This final leg of our academic journey is crucial, and I am confident that with continued dedication and effort, we will finish strong.

    Student attendance is vital during this period. Regular attendance ensures that students do not miss out on essential lessons and activities that prepare them for end-of-course exams and state testing. These assessments are not only a measure of the knowledge and skills acquired but also play a significant role in determining course placement for the 2025-2026 school year. Therefore, it is imperative that students remain focused and work diligently with their teachers to achieve their best possible outcomes.

    Throughout the year, we have celebrated numerous achievements and milestones. Each student's growth and progress are commendable, and we should take pride in how far we have come. As we enter the 4th quarter, let's remember that this is the final stretch of an important race. The effort and perseverance we put in now will pave the way for future success.

    Parents, your support is invaluable in your child's academic journey. Encouraging regular attendance, fostering a positive learning environment at home, and staying engaged with your child's progress are key factors in their success. Your involvement helps reinforce the importance of education and motivates students to strive for excellence.

    Together, as a community of students, parents, and educators, we can make the 4th quarter a period of remarkable achievement. Let's continue to support each other and work towards our shared goal of academic success.

    Thank you for your ongoing commitment and partnership.

    Warm regards,

    Thomas Rademacher



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