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Partin Settlement Elementary

Every Child, Every Chance, Every Day!

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Pioneer Gazette

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Principal's Message

  • Principal

                       Karen "Casey" Corbett, Principal


    This year’s theme is Lights, Camera, Learn. Our students are growing each day and able to show what they have learned. I am proud of all the hard work the students, teachers, staff, and parents have put in this year to make it a year to remember.


    We continue to promote a growth mindset with both our students and staff. Growth mindset, in a nutshell, is that learning is increased by believing that effort and learning from your mistakes increases learning more than IQ or innate talent.  I believe all students are capable learners and that they will all show growth.


     We have finished the first nine weeks and are headed through the second nine weeks. Our teachers and staff are excited to continue using AVID strategies to keep students engaged and learning through the upcoming holiday season.


    It is important that you know what is going on at the school. Make sure you have signed up to receive Remind notifications from the school account. This is where we send the weekly parent newsletter, emergency notifications, and information on school events. Please join by following the directions in the picture below.



    I look forward to continue seeing all of you at our school events and during arrival and dismissal. Let’s make this the best year ever!


    Mrs. Corbett

    Proud Principal of Partin Settlement ELementary Schools


    We are proud to be Pioneers who promote the Pioneer 3: To be Respectful, Responsible, Positive Problem Solvers.

    Shelby Jares

    Shelby Jares, Assistant Principal



  • ​Attention Parents and Students:

        PSE is a peanut-free school.



    PSE Arrival & Dismissal Procedures


    Car riders must be dropped off and picked up in the car rider area. The car rider location is in the rear of the school and the entrance is located on Partin Settlement Road at Northeast Christian Church. Click here for map. Drop off may begin at 7:50 AM, no earlier, as students will not have supervision prior to that time.  Never, ever, leave a student without a staff member present.  Please have your student ready to exit the car by the time you arrive at the drop off area. This includes saying your goodbyes and having their backpacks ready. This helps increase how quickly we can get students out of the cars and either to breakfast or class.

    ​Dismissal: All vehicles must have a car tag in order to pick up students.
    Vehicles without car tags will be sent to the front office to register for one before they are allowed to pick up their student(s).

    In an effort to get additional cars off of Partin Settlement Rd. during dismissal, we have changed the pickup areas for car rider. Please refer to the information below and the map attached. Our hope is that this will not only help Partin Settlement Rd. traffic but also increase the speed of the car line. We are trying this now so that we can perfect the process before next year when Partin Settlement Rd. will be under construction.

    •Everything will remain the same until you reach the campus gate. At that point, there will be two lines. The one on the right will be for parents picking up kindergarten students as well as special area pickup/dropoff,  and the one on the left will be for all other grade levels. It is very important that everyone stays in one line until they reach the gate.

    •Once you make the turn at the stop sign the kindergarten parents will load in the area formally used for van pick up (this includes siblings of K students). All others will proceed to the area we are currently using for car rider. Pre-K parents will pick up in the designated area all the way in the front by the Pre-K playground (this includes all siblings of Pre-K students). Remind older students to go to sit with their younger sibling in the correct pick-up area.

    •All cars will merge back into one lane after the Pre-K pick up area and then make the right turn off campus at the stop sign.

    New Car Rider Pick-Up Procedures


    Students, if you leave from the walker gate you must be walking home. Students may not be picked up in the front parking lot. Parents, if you are picking up in a vehicle, you must pick them up in the car loop located behind the school. Please do not use the front parking lot as a car rider pick up. All walkers/bikers enter/exit from the bike rack area. Students should not arrive at the bike area until 7:50 AM. Any bikes left before that time will remain outside of the locked area for the school day. There is an additional second walker gate that enters/exits from the Lago Buendia subdivision at the back of our school.

     Walker gates are open from 7:50am to 8:20am.


    If it is raining but no lightning present, students will be instructed to follow their rainy day plan. So, if planned, walkers/bikers may still walk/bike home OR you can teach your child to go to the car rider area on rainy days. If lightning is present, all walkers and bike riders will be held in the front foyer until the storm passes and it is safe to release them. It is important your child knows their rainy day plan to minimize confusion. We must be notified in writing of any change in dismissal procedure for your child. Student safety is always our top priority.​



    Due to safety and liability issues, younger siblings/children will not be allowed to attend any events during regular school hours. We are sorry for any inconvenience.



    Education which inspires all to their highest potential and develops the whole child 


    Is to create a safe, secure and nurturing educational environment in which every student is an active learner 


    WWAGS - We Work At a Great School! 


                    · All students are capable of learning and achieving high standards.

    ·Effective teaching requires planning, implementation, and reflection.
    ·Learning communities that offer a sense of collaboration and understanding will enhance instruction and the education of students.
    · Parents are educational leaders in their child’s life. 






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