• ALCO's Student Career Center is located on the ALCO Main Campus in Building 2. It provides free services for all current students, including career exploration and planning, job search and applications, resume preparation, job interviewing skills, financial aid/scholarship information, and applications.

    The Career Specialist is here to help students as needed, and a computer lab with Internet access is available. If you are a current student looking for employment or an employer looking to post available positions, please contact one of the career specialists below.

    Please Note: Career Services will only be open from 8 AM to 1:00 PM Mondays from September 16 through December 16. 

     Book a Service with a Career Counselor

    Esther Jimenez  
    College & Career Specialist
    Phone: (407)518-8140 ext. 29223
    Fax: (407)518-8141

    Email: Esther.Jimenez@osceolaschools.net


    Leticia Cardona-Rubio  
    College & Career Counselor
    Phone: (407)518-8140 ext. 29224
    Fax: (407)518-8141

    Email:  Leticia.CardonaRubio@osceolaschools.net


    Alberto Gonzalez

    College & Career Counselor 

    Phone: (407)518-8140 ext. 29231

    Fax: (407)518-8141

    Email: Alberto.Gonzalez@osceolaschools.net


    Sullymar Reices-Irizarry

    College & Career Counselor

    Phone: (407) 518-8140 ext. 29625

    Fax: (407) 518-8141

    Email: Sullymar.reicesirizarry@osceolaschools.net