Westside K-8
Every Child, Every Chance, Every Day!
School News
Keep Osceola Safe
The Osceola School Board is committed to the safety and security of all students, staff, and visitors. The Osceola School District has detailed comprehensive safety and emergency plans for every site, and all schools regularly conduct various drills, such as fire drills, severe weather drills, and intruder drills, to prepare students for an emergency.
Learn More About Here Comes The Bus
Here Comes the Bus is easy-to-use school bus tracking software that gives parents and students the ability to track the location of their school buses.
Let's Talk with the Osceola School District
The Osceola School District is committed to engaging all stakeholders in the education of our children. Only when we build strong relationships with our staff, students, families and community members can we best meet the needs of each and every student.
Share Your Great
Have you been inspired by someone in our schools? Is your school helping us build our legacy as we move from Good to Great? Do you have a teacher who has made a difference on your life or the life of your child? Share the good news with us!
School District News
Health Guidance For Going To School
Showing up to school every day is critical for children's well-being, engagement, and learning. Click the link to determine when to come to school and when to stay home when sick.
An Evening with the Agencies Event
Prepare for the Future! This event offers Standard Diploma Deferral and 18–22-Year-Old Transition Options, Health Care Transition: Moving from Pediatric to Adult Health Services Accessing Resources Available through Vocational Rehabilitation (VR) Agency for Persons with Disabilities, exhibits, and more!
View the Class of 2025 Graduation Dates Here
All graduations will be held in the Arena at Osceola Heritage Park.
Safety & Security Measures
View the Safety & Security measures that are keeping Osceola School District students and staff safe.
Statement from the Osceola County School District regarding NIL for High School Students
On June 4, 2024, the Florida High School Athletic Association’s (FHSAA) Board of Directors unanimously approved the revision of FHSAA Bylaw 9.9, Amateurism, to include Name, Image, and Likeness (NIL).
Principal's Message
Dear Westside K8 School Community,
Welcome back to our returning community members, and welcome to our newest Warriors!
I cannot believe we are beginning the 4th quarter! As we enter the final quarter of the school year, I want to emphasize the importance of consistent school attendance. Regular attendance is crucial for academic success, social development, and overall well-being. Every day counts, and we appreciate your support in ensuring your child is present and engaged in their learning.
At home, please continue to support students with opportunities to utilize our digital reading and math programs, including Lexia (K-5), Achieve (6-8), Dreambox (K-5), and ALEKS (6-8). These digital learning tools are available through your child's Classlink portal and will provide guided lessons to increase learning gains. Ask your child to show you their progress in each of their programs.
We have some exciting activities planned for April, including our Kindergarten Roundup for incoming kindergarten students and Title I Family Engagement STEAM Night for our current families and students. These events are wonderful opportunities for our staff, students, and families to connect, explore, and celebrate the joy of learning together.
Additionally, state testing and end-of-course exams are approaching. These assessments are vital for identifying student progress, monitoring ongoing success, and celebrating the hard work and achievements of our students. Your encouragement and support during this time is invaluable. We kick off our writing test during the first week of April and continue with assessments in reading, math, science, and civics during the month of May.
As we look ahead to May, we will be finishing off the year with numerous events and celebrations of learning. These activities will highlight the incredible growth and accomplishments of our students throughout the year.
Thank you for your continued partnership and dedication to our school community. Let's make this final quarter a memorable and successful one!
Warm regards,
Janine Bracco
Westside K-8
Vision Statement
Vision Statement:
Our community at Westside K-8 strives to develop motivated students who self-advocate using strategies to solve problems and who experience consistent academic growth with integrity and determination.
Mission Statement
Mission Statement:
Westside K8 School creates a student-centered learning environment in which students exhibit consistent academic and personal growth using problem solving strategies. Our school promotes a safe, caring and supportive environment that empowers students to self-advocate through motivation and determination to succeed academically and personally each academic year. We foster integrity, accountability, and responsibility. We encourage families and our community to partner in supporting academic and personal growth in all students.
Social Media
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