- The School District of Osceola County, Florida
- Planning Services
- Department Teams
- Growth Management / Real Estate & Site Planning Team
Growth Management Planning / Real Estate & Site Planning Team
Senior Facilities Manager - Growth Management and Real Estate
Position Vacant
(407) 518-2964 X65432
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Planning Specialist II
(Site Planning & Real Estate)
Position Vacant
(407) 518-2957 x65411
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Read the Job DescriptionPlanning Technician - Growth Management
Nathalie Roeck
(407) 518-2916 x66344
The Growth Management Planning / Real Estate & Site Planning Planning Team (GMPT) monitors and records growth throughout the county in varying manners such as:
Issuing School Capacity Reports (SCR)
Through the issuance of School Capacity Reports (SCR), the GMPT informs the County and municipalities of the impact of proposed new residential development. The SCR identifies the existing schools to be impacted and whether or not there will be available capacity to absorb the impact of the proposed residential development. If capacity is not available, the developer is required to meet with the GMPT to discuss mitigation options that include but are not limited to: prepaid educational impact fees, dedicated or donated school sites, or other funding mechanisms such as an Educational Facilities Benefit District (EFBD).
Acting as the District Liaison
At the liaison for the District, the GMPT attends approximately one hundred eighty (180) meetings per year related to residential development that impacts short- and long-range school site planning. The types of meetings attended are:
- Development Review Committee (DRC)
- Planning Advisory Board
- Planning Commission
- City Council
- City Commission
- Board of County Commissioners
- Growth Management Task Force
- Technical Working Group (TWG)
Monitoring Growth
The GMPT tracks the issuance of all residential permits and Certificates of Occupancy. This data is utilized by the Geographic Information Systems (GIS) Team as a tool in their monitoring of all residential tract development when determining if development is on schedule, behind schedule, or ahead of schedule.
Keeping Records on District Owned Property
The GMPT maintains a database of all District real property. This database includes:
- Deed information
- Tax and parcel information
- InterLocal Agreements (ILAs)
- Right-of-Way (ROW)
- Telecommunication Tower Agreements
- Joint-Unst Park & Recreation Agreements,
- School Site Mitigation Agreements
- Acquisition and disposition of Real Property Agreements.
Information on District Real Estate & Site Planning is available by clicking here.