• The SDOC DE Bookstore is no longer using WaitWhile. Please book an appointment through this link - Click Here!

    Thank you for your understanding and patience. 

    URL: https://outlook.office365.com/owa/calendar/SDOCDEBookstoreSpringTerm2425@osceolak12.onmicrosoft.com/bookings/

    Make sure you bring the following:

    • You must have your “Student Detail Schedule” approved and submitted by your school counselor.
    • SDOC student ID badge or valid photo ID (i.e., Florida Driver's Permit or License)
    • Any materials that need to be returned from your previous DE classes.
    • Your Atlas username and password.
    • The Microsoft Authenticator is set up on a personal device ready to be used in the bookstore.

    Sign up for important Dual Enrollment text messages through REMIND. Just text the number 81010 this message: @destu or Click Here.

    After you visit the bookstore, make sure to reach out if you need any help ASAP; see the Need Help? Reach out! section.

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