• When your child misses school, he or she falls behind. Whether you have a kindergarten student or an eighth grader, each and every day is critical to the success of your student.


      Section 1003.21 of the Florida Statutes specifies that parents are responsible for the regular attendance of their children who are within the compulsory attendance age (6-16). Students have the responsibility to attend their classes on a daily basis and arrive at their classes on time.

      Section 1003.24 of the Florida Statutes requires each parent or guardian of a student to justify each absence of the student. The law further stipulates that each justification will be evaluated based upon the adopted school board policies. The School Board of Osceola County Code of Student Conduct addresses the various corrective actions and discipline that are authorized in accordance with the Florida law.

      Absences in excess of 10 days for grades K-8 will require the submission of a doctor’s note to be considered excused. Excessive absences may result in retention.

      The Osceola School District Pupil Progression Plan (K-5) provides all attendance related requirements for promotion to the next grade.

      Attendance Procedures

      If a student is ill or must be absent from school, please send in a note the next day explaining the absence.

      The school will maintain records of all absences for each student, indicating the correct status of each absence.

      The following will be considered excused absences:

      •  A student who is temporarily ill or injured or whose absence is approved by the administrator of the school on a prearranged basis.
      •  An injury or death of immediate family member.
      •  A student who is absent for an extended period due to physical, mental, or emotional disability.

      Make-up work Students on extended absence due to illness may request make-up work through the front office. We require 24-hour advance notice for teachers to gather materials and assignments for parents to pick up. Students are given two (2) regular school days for each excused absent day to complete make-up work. It is the student’s responsibility to contact the appropriate teacher(s) to determine what work must be made up. Failure to comply with this requirement will result in the absence being considered unexcused.

      Pre-Arranged/Permitted Absences of up to 3 days may be requested in accordance with Osceola County School Rules and approved by the Principal. A special Permitted Absence form must be obtained from the school attendance office, signed by your son/daughter’s teacher, and returned to the office one week in advance of the absence. The student is responsible for all make-up work in advance of the absence. 

      No prearranged absences will be approved during District and/or State testing.

      Unexcused Absence: An absence that is not covered by one of the foregoing exceptions. A failing grade shall be assigned to any work or test missed while on an unexcused absence. Out-of-school suspensions are considered unexcused.

      Tardy: A student will be considered tardy unless they are in school by 9:20 a.m.  Emergencies will be considered on a case-by-case basis. Class attendance records reflect the tardiness.

      Excused Tardy: A student will be excused for being late if an appropriate school authority provides them with a note excusing them for being tardy.

      Skipping/Truancy: Any student who does not have permission from an authorized person for being away from their designated class is considered to be skipping class.

      We do not accept phone calls as a means of excuse for your student’s absence.  Please submit a written note by the parent/guardian or a doctor’s note upon the student’s return.