• Dual Enrollment

    Shortened schedules are a privilege reserved for our seniors at Celebration High School. Any seniors who are interested should make an appointment with their counselor. Students who are interested must meet and/or maintain the following requirements:

    • Must be a senior
    • Must have a 2.50 GPA unweighted
    • Must be on track to graduate with credits
    • Must have daily transportation to and from campus
    • Must leave campus when not scheduled in class
    • Must not transport other students away from school premises during class time
    • Must not have any more than 10 absences in any on-campus class
    • Must maintain a schedule with one math class, one English class, one science class, and one social studies class
      • One of these four may be completed virtually through OVS/FLVS
    • Must check in/check out at the attendance office with appropriate shortened schedule ID

    Additionally, we encourage students to get a job or do volunteer work during this time. Also, please check with the college(s) you will be applying to, to ensure a shortened schedule will not hinder your chances of being accepted. Please also note that shortened schedules must be consecutive periods and sometimes cannot be accommodated based on a variety of factors that a counselor would discuss with the student. Lastly, students should be mindful of any programs, clubs, organizations, etc. that a shortened schedule might have a negative implication on. 

    Senior Shortened Schedule Contract