• Attendance & Tardies

      Please note that the attendance policies at St. Cloud High School reflect those of the School Board of the School District of Osceola County, Florida:

      Failure to Attend Classes

      If a student arrives at school and then leaves campus, has temporary absences from classes, or fails to attend specific classes, the school can take disciplinary action for skipping. Please refer to the Pupil Progression Plan for attendance requirements for students.


      If a student is required by law to attend school, the school will not suspend the student for unexcused absences or truancy pursuant to Board Rule 5.40, Student Attendance. Section 954.151, Florida Statutes, requires the Superintendent to report to the Department of Highway Safety and Motor Vehicles the name, date of birth, sex, and social security number of all students (14-17 years of age) who accumulate fifteen (15) unexcused absences in any ninety (90) calendar day period. These students could lose driver’s licenses, or the privilege to obtain a driver’s license if deemed truant by the school and Florida Statutes. In addition, parents/guardians of habitually truant students are subject to actions taken through the judicial system. Please refer to the Pupil Progression Plan for attendance requirements for students. 

      Pre-Arranged Absences

      To request a pre-arranged excused absence, please

      Excused Absences

      To excuse an absence, you must submit official documentation to St. Cloud High School Attendance


      Tardy Guidelines can be reviewed by SCHS Tardy to School Policies and Procedures


      If you have any questions related to attendance, you may contact our attendance clerk. 

      Mrs. Jennifer Dabrowski, Attendance Clerk  Cheryl Vicari

      If you have any questions regarding tardy related discipline, you may contact the Deans office at 407-891-3100.