- St. Cloud High
- SCHS Maroon & Gold Standards of Participation
SCHS Maroon & Gold
Standards of Participation
At St. Cloud High School, we believe that students should maintain high standards in academics, behavior, and attendance. We want to encourage all students to be involved in school as much as possible. To that end, we also set high expectations related to both academics and behavior. Our Standards of Participation are the guidelines we use to determine whether students are eligible to participate in school-wide events, such as field trips, prom, grad bash, etc.
The following Standards of Participation should be met by all St. Cloud High School students to maintain eligibility for extra-curricular events and activities, including participation in any event that requires them to miss regular classes.
- At least a 2.0 Grade Point Average (unweighted)
- No more than 5 Tardies to School (per 9 weeks/10 per semester)
- No more than 5 unexcused absences (per semester)/30 missed periods of instruction (per semester)
- No more than 2 days/14 Periods of In-School Suspension (per semester)
- Zero days of OSS (per semester)
- No current “Ds” or “Fs” in any class.
- No obligations (see MySchoolBucks).
Events and activities included under the St. Cloud High School Standards of Participation include, but are not limited to:
In-School Events Homecoming Events Field Trips (including rehearsals) Grad Bash Prom
Students meeting and exceeding these standards qualify for the opportunity to receive some of these events as a free incentive. Also, appeals will be taken on a case-by-case basis through our appeal process.
If you have any questions related the SCHS Standards of Participation you may contact us at 407-891-3100.