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Zenith Accelerated Learning Academy

Every Child, Every Chance, Every Day!

  • Keep Osceola Safe
  • Report Bullying
  • Transportation
  • School Nutrition Services
  • Parent Portal
  • Volunteer Application
  • Virtual Backpack
  • Mental Health Resources
  • School Uniforms
  • Principal Message to Graduates
  • School Nutrition Services
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School News

  • 2025/26 Parent and Family Engagement Plan

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  • Spring 2025 Newsletter

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  • Deputy Stockman

    Deputy Stockman is Zenith's School Resource Officer. He is always willing to help students and answer questions. We are proud to have Deputy Stockman and the Osceola Sheriff's Department on our campus.

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  •  Keep Osceola Safe

    Keep Osceola Safe

    The Osceola School Board is committed to the safety and security of all students, staff, and visitors. The Osceola School District has detailed comprehensive safety and emergency plans for every site, and all schools regularly conduct various drills, such as fire drills, severe weather drills, and intruder drills, to prepare students for an emergency.

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  •  Let's Talk

    Let's Talk with the Osceola School District

    The Osceola School District is committed to engaging all stakeholders in the education of our children. Only when we build strong relationships with our staff, students, families and community members can we best meet the needs of each and every student.

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  •  Share Your Great

    Share Your Great

    Have you been inspired by someone in our schools? Is your school helping us build our legacy as we move from Good to Great? Do you have a teacher who has made a difference on your life or the life of your child? Share the good news with us!

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  •  Here Comes The Bus

    Learn More About Here Comes The Bus

    ​Here Comes the Bus is easy-to-use school bus tracking software that gives parents and students the ability to track the location of their school buses.

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  • Alco

    Interested in learning English language skills or earning your high school diploma?

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School District News

School Upcoming Events

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Principal's Message

  • Robert Studly

    Dear Students, Parents, and Concerned Community Members,

    We are just about at the halfway point in the year and the holidays are upon us.  I know I have a lot to be thankful for, particularly the support I receive from the Zenith Community.  Thank you and I hope all the blessings of the holidays fall upon you and your family.

    Here are a few things you can do to keep up with your studies over the break. If you are entitled to “free movement”, spend some time each day and make progress towards completing the coursework.  It will make a huge difference and before you know it, you will be a graduate.

    You may not know this, but Zenith is a PBIS Model School.  We use Positive Supports to help students manage their behavior, It works and our rate of discipline referrals has dropped significantly. 

    Any parents out there who have a college degree and have ever thought about becoming a teacher, I can help you.  Make an appointment to come by and speak with me about opportunities in the school district.

    There is a lot of construction going on out about our county.  This creates quite a challenge for our transportation department.  Believe me when I tell you that folks over in transportation understand the importance of ensuring students are on time and ready to learn. If you have questions, comments or suggestions for the transportation crew, you can email them through the district website. 

    Once again, I hope you and your family have an enjoyable and peaceful holiday.

    Dr. Robert E. Studly, Sr.

Welcome Wildcats!

  • Zenith Mission Statement:
    "We exist to prepare each student academically and socially to be critical thinkers, problem solvers, and responsible and productive citizens."

    Zenith Vision:
    "At Zenith, we believe each student can learn and will have an equal opportunity to do so; in clearly defined goals that set high expectations for student excellence; in the value of parents as the student's first and best teachers; in the value of each employee; in accountability at all levels; in a community that must actively participate in the development of our students; we can achieve higher levels of performance; in the personal and professional growth of all people at our school; the campus should be supportive, safe and secure;instructional practices should incorporate learning activities that take into account differences in learning styles."

    Hours of Operation:
    Monday - Friday
    6:45 a.m. - 3:15 p.m.


  • November Message from the Principal

  • Remind

  • Progress Reports

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    CogniaTM offers accreditation and certification, assessment, professional learning, and improvement solutions to institutions and other education providers. As a global nonprofit working in 90+ countries, Cognia serves 36,000 institutions, nearly 25 million students, and five million educators every day.