• Postsecondary Education Readiness Test (PERT)

     Interested in applying for dual enrollment courses next semester (fall 2025)?

    If your answer is yes, please consider signing up to participate in the Postsecondary Education Readiness Test (P.E.R.T.); the entrance assessment for dual enrollment. Please note: you must have at least a 3.0 GPA to qualify to participate in the assessment. The Reading and Writing Subtests will be offered on Tuesday, March 11, 2025 & the Math Subtest will be offered on Thursday, March 13, 2025. The sign-up is below:

    LHS PERT Sign-Up – Mar. 11 & 13, 2025

     The PERT is an untimed computer-adaptive test, specifically developed for Florida. It is based on postsecondary readiness competencies. Its purpose is to measure your scholar’s college and career readiness in reading, writing, and/or mathematics.  This test may fulfill requirements for scholars to participate in college dual enrollment courses.  Benefits of dual enrollment include:

    • Earning college credit early
    • Gain access to college resources and campus life
    • Engage with different instructional methods available: classroom, online, mixed-mode
    • Offset the cost of college education

    It is critical for scholars to understand how important it is to take these tests seriously and to do his or her very best. Test results will have a direct impact on the math and language arts courses in which a scholar will be placed. If State Board cut scores are not met, scholars will be enrolled in readiness or success courses, with no exemptions allowed, including scholars who plan to enter the military or a job after graduation from high school.

    There are unlimited opportunities to take free online sample tests for math, reading, and writing at any time in order to become familiar with the testing software, item types, and online tools such as the calculator that s/he will encounter and use during testing at: https://college.measuredsuccess.com. We recommend using the completely free P.E.R.T. study guide available anytime at: https://www.fldoe.org/core/fileparse.php/5592/urlt/0078248-pert-studentstudyguide.pdf.

    It is important for scholars and families to understand the following policies before testing:

    • Electronic Devices—If scholars are found with ANY electronic devices during testing, their test will not be scored. We suggest that scholars leave devices at home or in their lockers on the day of testing.
    • Academic Honesty—Scholars are expected to agree that s/he will not give or receive unauthorized help during this test as it will be considered as cheating and will result in the invalidation of their test results.  In addition, scholars are responsible for protecting their answers from being seen by nearby scholars. If scholars are caught cheating during testing, their tests will be invalidated.
    • Student Privacy Policy – Every scholar will be required to read and acknowledge the College Success Student Privacy Policy statement before beginning the assessment.

     For more information about P.E.R.T., visit the Florida Department of Education website at: https://www.fldoe.org/schools/higher-ed/fl-college-system/academics/common-placement-testing.stml.


    Should you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me.