- The School District of Osceola County, Florida
- Charter Schools
- Frequently Asked Questions About Charter Schools
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Frequently Asked Questions About Charter Schools
What are Charter Schools?
- Charter schools are part of the State's program of public education. All charter schools in Florida are fully recognized as public schools.
- As public schools, charter schools cannot discriminate or limit enrollment against any student population for any reason.
- A charter school may not charge tuition or fees, except those normally charged by other public schools.
- Charter schools must participate in the state assessment system.
How are students selected for a charter school?
- A charter school shall be open to any student residing in the school district in which the charter school is located.
- A charter school may give enrollment preference to a sibling of a student enrolled in the charter school. The charter school shall enroll an eligible student who submits a timely application, unless the number of applications exceeds the capacity of a program, class, grade level, or building. In such cases, all applicants shall have an equal chance of being selected through a random selection process.
- If the number of eligible students exceeds the capacity of the program, class grade level, or building, a random selection (lottery) of students will be conducted.
Who may submit a proposal for operating a charter school?
- Charter schools are nonprofit institutions typically run by a group of parents, teachers, an organization, a municipality, colleges, universities and/or a combination of more that one group.
- A private school, parochial school, or home education program is not eligible for charter status.