
    • To motivate others to become better citizens 

    • JROTC is a program designed for students to learn and teach leadership, teamwork, student achievement, fitness and discipline. In addition to classroom instruction, JROTC has 3 extracurricular teams - Raiders, Drill, and Color Guard. The JROTC program offers the student credit towards a high school diploma, community service hours, and an introduction to service in the military. Note that future military service is NOT a requirement. 

    • Why the students wear the uniform? Students wear the uniform to put all cadets on the same level. Any additions to the uniform are ranks and awards that are earned by the individual cadet. They are earned for application of positive traits and principles that will serve you and your community well in the future. 

    • What does JROTC stand for? JROTC stands for Junior Reserve Officers’ Training Corps. It is a military regulated high school program whose purpose is to educate high school students in leadership roles while making them aware of the benefits of citizenship. The mission of JROTC is to motivate young people to become better citizens. 

    • Why do the students conduct drills or march?  JROTC uses drill and ceremonies as a well-defined, relatively easy to master training tool or vehicle.  This tool is used to teach and develop teamwork, leadership, instructional skills, attention to detail, bearing, respect for authority and for others, responsibility, and endurance. 


    • The Junior Reserve Officers' Training Corps (JROTC) is a federal program sponsored by the United States Armed Forces in high schools across the United States. The program was originally created as part of the National Defense Act of 1916 and later expanded under the 1964 ROTC Vitalization Act. 

  • Courses:

    The purpose of this course is to enable students to develop knowledge of the history, customs, traditions, and purpose of the Army Junior Reserve Officer Training Corps (JROTC). The course includes the development of basic leadership skills including leadership principles, values, and attributes. Students should master appreciation for diversity. Active learning strategies are integrated throughout the course with an emphasis on writing skills and oral communication techniques. Financial planning as well as physical fitness, diet, nutrition, healthy lifestyles, awareness of substance abuse and prevention, and basic first aid measures are included. An overview of the globe and geography and basic map reading skills are incorporated. A study of the United States Constitution, Bill of Rights, responsibilities of United States citizens, and the federal justice system is also provided.
    Grades: 9, 10, 11, 12
    Prerequisite: None

    The purpose of this course is to enable students to expand on skills taught in Leadership Education and Training 1. This course introduces the concepts of equal opportunity, fair treatment of minorities, and prevention of sexual harassment. It provides instruction on leadership skills, leadership theories, as well as the basic principles of managements. It provides self assessments that help students determine their skill sets and opportunities to teach using accepted principles and methods of instruction. It emphasizes community projects to assist in drug prevention efforts. It also includes dietary guidelines, fitness, and map reading and orienteering skills. It discusses the significant events that helped shape and develop the Constitution and government and teachers the role of political parties in the election process
    Grades: 10, 11, 12
    Prerequisite: Leadership Education and Training 1

    The purpose of this course is to enable students to expand on skills taught in Leadership Education and Training 2. This course allows cadets to investigate the interrelationships of the services while they continue to build their leadership development and decision-making skills. It includes negation skills and management principles. It emphasizes staff procedures and opportunities to handle various leadership situations as well as prevent violence and manage anger. The research, identification, planning, and execution of service learning activities are included. This course gives cadets the opportunity to apply basic concepts of strategies for career exploration and planning. It teachers how to create a career portfolio and plan for college or work. Financial management principles are studied. Skills for orienteering and/or land navigation are developed. The course also includes studies in the federal judicial system and how historical events have shaped social systems
    Grades: 11, 12
    Prerequisite: Leadership Education and Training 2

    The purpose of this course is to enable students to expand on skills taught in Leadership Education and Training 3. This course focuses on creating a positive leadership situation, negotiating, decision making, problem solving, team development, project management, and mentoring. Students will demonstrate leadership potential in an assigned command or staff position within the cadet battalion organizational structure. The course teaches cadets how to use emotional intelligence in leadership situations as well as how to maintain a positive attitude. It provides instruction on etiquette, daily planning, financial planning, and careers. It includes requirements for the practical application of leadership duties. It emphasizes physical fitness through healthy individual and group competition. The interactions between groups of people and how they affect the area's cultural, economic, and political characteristics are discussed. Concepts of democracy and freedom and their influence on local governments are also included.
    Grade: 12
    Prerequisite: Leadership Education and Training 3

  • Senior Army Instructor  

    Lieutenant Colonel Oscar Torres-Riera


    Army Instrutor

    1SG Luis Alicea


  • Cadet Leadership



    Liberty High School Battalion Commander 

    Hannah Hayes 


    Liberty High School Battalion XO 

    Richard Swann 


    Liberty High School Battalion CSM 

    Bryan Rodriguez 


    Liberty High School Battalion  DCO

    Anthony Cotto 


    Alpha Company Commander 

    Ricardo Pena 


    Alpha Company First Sergeant 

    Natalia Geraldo 


    Bravo Company Commander 

    Brianna Raguette 


    Bravo Company First Sergeant 

    Joseph Diaz 


    Charlie Company Commander 

    Brandy Rodriguez 


    Charlie Company First Sergeant 

    Abisieal Santiago 


    Delta Company Commander 

    Daliss Lopez 


    Delta Company First Sergeant 

    Joshua Davila 


    Eco Company Commander 

    Alexandra Lorenzo 


    Eco Company First Sergeant 

    Bryan Vega 

    • Home football game parking detail 

    • Fundraising Challenge 

    • World Showcase 

    • Veterans Day and Christmas Parades 

    • Service-Learning Project 

    • Military Ball  

    • Field trip 

    • JROTC Cadet Leadership Challenge (Summer camp)