- Gateway High
- Online Course Requirement
Graduation Requirements
Online Course Requirement
Every students must complete 1 online class to graduate in the State of Florida.
You can meet this requirement in one of the following ways:
1) Complete an online class through dual enrollment with Valencia, UF, UCF
2) Pass an industry certification through a Digital Design Class at GHS
3) Take an online class through Florida/Osceola Virtual School (FLVS)
-This option is the most simple and popular way to meet this requirement
To take an online class through Florida/Osceola Virtual follow the steps below:
1) Choose a class by reviewing FLVS options: https://flvs.net/flex/courses
These are the classes that our students have told us they like best
Drivers Education (must be at least 14 1/2 and you can get your permit)
Parenting (takes 3-4 weeks to complete)
Career Research (explore careers and how to get scholarships)
Peer Counseling (find ways to interact positively with others)
Personal and Family Finance (money management and investment)
Outdoor Education (earn your boater/hunter safety license)
Or take your PE graduation requirement online (yes you can take PE online!)
You can meet this requirement by taking both segments of HOPE class
Or you can take the class Personal Fitness and then choose another PE elective like the class Outdoor Education (must take both classes). Our students seem to like this option better than the HOPE class
2) Now go onto the FLVS site pick your class.
- Go to https://flvs.net/
- Sign up (County Virtual School)
- New students start here (follow through the steps to choose your class
--It will ask if you want FLVS or Osceola Virtual--we suggest Osceola
Virtual because it uses Osceola County Teachers.
--You can leave the "how did you hear about us" blank as there is no
referral code
3) After you have picked your class it will ask you to set up your account
- Your state id is 490 plus your school id with the zero
example 4900123456
- Your district id is your school id with the zero
4) After you are registered no need to email HHS guidance as we approve requests every night. Just log-in on your start date and enjoy! FLVS will email us your final grade once you complete the class.