Psychological Services

  • Who is a School Psychologist?

    School Psychologists help students thrive. They are uniquely qualified members of school teams that support students' abilities to learn and teachers' abilities to teach. They apply expertise in mental health, learning and behavior to help ALL children and youth succeed.

    School Psychologists receive specialized advanced graduate preparation that includes coursework and practical experiences relevant to both psychology and education. School Psychologists must be credentialed by the State of Florida and may also be certified by the National Association of School Psychologists Certification Board (NSPCB).

    School Psychologists help schools successfully:

    • Improve Academic Achievement
    • Promote Positive Behavior and Mental Health
    • Support Diverse Learners
    • Promote Safe, Positive School Climates
    • Strengthen Family-School Partnerships
    • Improve School-Wide Assessment and Accountability

    Each public school in the district has an assigned School Psychologist.  Most are assigned to two or more schools so may not be at a particular school every day. Your School Psychologist can best be reached by inquiring at the school directly or by contacting the Psychological Services Department.

    View the video "ABC's of School Psychology" by Clicking here.

  • Psychological Services Department
    1200 Vermont Avenue
    St. Cloud, FL 34769
    Phone: 407-870-4959
    Cara Walls

    School-Year Office Hours
    Monday-Friday, 8:00 AM-4:30 PM