- The School District of Osceola County, Florida
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- Athletic Paperwork
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High School Athletic Paperwork
The 2024/25 "Athletic Packet" is located online at the following two platforms:
1.) aktivate.com for Celebration, Liberty, Poinciana, St. Cloud and Tohopekaliga
2.) athleticclearance.com for Gateway, Harmony and OsceolaAll consent forms and uploads need to be filled out prior to any athletic participation in High School Athletics.
* Athletic Physicals are good for 365 days from the doctor's signature date.
-- Page 4 is the only page required to be turned into the school.
-- Page 5 is only required if there is only used if a student-athlete has been referred for additional evaluation, prior to full medical clearanceAll High School students are required to have a cleared ECG screening prior to participation in high school athletics.
Note: One (1) cleared ECG is good for all 4 years of High School.^ ImPact Concussion testing is required for all Athletes prior to trying out. Please see your AD or Athletic Trainer for more specific details.
"GA4" is a required FHSAA form for any student who changes attendance, to a member school, at any time during their high school years (including summer)
* Open Facilities, Camps and Summer Athletic Participation Form is required and valid from May 1 - April 30 each year.
- How to Create Account & Submit a Registration (Video)
- One-Pager (english & spanish attached)
- Aktivate Help Center for Parents
High School Documents
Middle School Athletic Paperwork
The 2024/25 "Athletic Packet" is located online, at athleticclearance.com and needs to be filled out prior to any athletic participation in High School Athletics.
You can complete the Athletic Packet at https://www.aktivate.com
* Click on LogIn at the top right hand corner to create a free account.
* Athletic Physicals are good for 365 days from the doctor's signature date.
-- Page 4 is the only page required to be turned into the school.
-- Page 5 is only required if there is only used if a student-athlete has been referred for additional evaluation, prior to full medical clearance^ ImPact Concussion testing is required for all Athletes prior to trying out. Please see your school AD for more specific information.
- How to Create Account & Submit a Registration (Video)
- One-Pager (english & spanish attached)
- Aktivate Help Center for Parents
Middle School Documents
The 2024/25 "Athletic Packet" is located online, at athleticclearance.com and needs to be filled out prior to any athletic participation in High School Athletics.
You can complete the Athletic Packet at https://www.aktivate.com
* Click on LogIn at the top right hand corner to create a free account.
- How to Create Account & Submit a Registration (Video)
- One-Pager (english & spanish attached)
- Aktivate Help Center for Parents
Elementary Documents
Aktivate Parent Instructions_Espanol
Aktivate Registration_Parent instructions_Spanish_pdf.pdf 173.82 KB (Last Modified on April 25, 2023)