- St. Cloud High
- All Sports Pass and Individual Game Prices
Please come out this year and support all of our amazing student athletes and hardworking coaches.
Student All Sports Pass
The cost of the pass for the entire year is $35. This allows admission to all athletic events, excluding post-season play and special events. This pass will not be honored for state series games either. All student-athletes receive free entry by paying their athletic fee of $35 thru My School Bucks. The student athlete will receive an email from GoFan Ticketing upon completion of their payment. Any questions, please email Athletic Director Coach Smart at bryan.smart@osceolaschools.net
Varsity Game Pricing
Football - $6 for both adult and student tickets
All other sports- $5 adult and $3 students
Freshmen and JV Game Pricing
On game days when there is NO Varsity game scheduled -$4 adult and $2 student
Varisty Football games only- $5 for each vehicle