- Horizon Middle
- Band
Horizon Middle School's Band Program consists of varying levels in expertise. The courses offered are as listed:
The Beginning Band (level I) class offers instruction on woodwind, brass, and percussion instruments with a focus on the skills necessary for long-term student success. Fundamentals stressed include proper posture and playing position, development of characteristic tone quality and training in music literacy.
The Symphonic Band (level II) is for students who already have an understanding of basic music reading, instrument assembly and maintenance, correct playing position and sound tone production. Instruction offers continued focus on the refinement of tone quality, technique, aural skills and music literacy.
The Wind Ensemble (level III) will explore an upper level in-depth study of musicality and technical ability. Students enrolled in this course will be expected to strive for an upper level of achievement, both individually and as an ensemble. Students will be encouraged to explore solo literature as well as small “chamber” ensembles.
The Jazz Band (level IV) is an advanced ensemble comprised of experienced student musicians and percussionist. Students will learn and perform a challenging, fun, diverse, and expressive concert set while learning about and exploring jazz history and performance practice.

Band Director:
Devin Bieber
(407) 943-7240 x86709
Email: Devin.Bieber@osceolaschools.net