• Students who are on the obligation list need to clear those obligations before they are able to rent lockers or purchase parking and/or lunch passes. All Lockers, Parking & Lunch Passes are sold in the Assistant Principal's office. 


    Locks and lockers are rented annually and cost $5.00 (no personal locks are allowed). Lockers are first-come, first served, open to all grade levels (including top lockers). Locker sharing is not allowed due to loss of items that may occur with sharing. Locks must be returned at the end of the school year. 


    Parking Passes

    Juniors and Senior students need to provide a copy of a driver’s license, proof of insurance, and registration. The pass is to be renewed each year. 

    Passes are $40 or free for students who scored level 5 on a previous high school EOC/FSA/AP Test


    See to the right to print a copy of the student parking agreement waiver.  Fill it out and bring with you.


    *CREDIT CARD ONLY* (ONSITE) or through My School Bucks


    Lunch Passes (11TH & 12TH GRADES)

    Lunch Pass Requirements

    All requirements below must be maintained throughout the school year based on the student’s grade level.  If at any time, including grade reports/progress reports/report cards), it is found these requirements are not maintained, the lunch pass will be


    If, after losing a lunch pass for a grade reporting period, thestudent becomes re-eligible, the pass may be reinstated withadministrative approval.

    11th-12th Grade Only:

    · A minimum of a 2.5 unweighted GPA

    · No F’s on quarterly progress reports of report cards

    · No suspensions: OSS

    · No more than 4 unexcused absences/28 missed periods of instruction, or 3 tardy to school in any single quarter


    Fill out a copy of the student's off-campus lunch pass form,Must be signed by PARENT and NOTARIZED.

    COST IS $10 - CREDIT CARD ONLY onsite or to save time you
    may pay via SCHS school website, under about us, my school bucks, scroll down to Off Campus link before you arrive. 


    Lunch passes are sold during lunch or after school.  Please read the necessary requirements in the off-campus lunch form. Passes can be revoked for excessive absences and tardies. See Lisa Merrell in the Asst. Principals office if you have questions in Bldg. 1.


    Form MUST be notarized







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