Legislative Update Dashboard

  • Bill Type House Senate Total
    Claims/General Bill 6 9 15
    Claims/Local Bill 8 11 19
    Concurrent Resolution   1 1
    General Bill 328 329 657
    Joint Resolution 4 4 8
    Local Bill 7   7
    Memorial 2 1 3
    Resolution   3 3
    SPBs for Consideration   3 3
    Reviser's/General Bill      
    Grand Total 355 361 716
    Tracking 209 223 432

    «  Pursuant to Article III, Section 3(b) of the Florida Constitution, the 2025 Regular Session of the Florida Legislature shall convene on Tuesday, March 04, 2025, [e.g., 2025 Important Florida Legislative Session Dates posted on this webpage].

    • The session shall continue for sixty (60) consecutive days, which may be extended by a three-fifths vote of each chamber.
    • Special sessions may be called by the Governor or may be convened by joint proclamation of the President of the Senate and the Speaker of the House of Representatives.
    • Special sessions may not exceed twenty (20) days, unless extended by a three-fifths vote of each chamber.

    «  The 2025 Interim Committees shall begin meeting during the week of January 13-17, 2025.

    «  The 2025 Regular Session of the Florida Legislature is scheduled to adjourn sine die on Friday, May 02, 2025.

    «  As of February 17, 2025, our Florida legislators filed 716 bills for the 2025 Regular Session.

    • [e.g., Current 2025 SDOC Legislative Bills Summary posted on this webpage]

    «  Of the total bills filed, SDOC is tracking 432 bills that appeared to have the potential to affect public education, Florida students, parents, and/ or educators in some substantial way. 

    • This total reflects 60.34% of all bills filed to date.

    «  0 bills have passed both chambers of the Florida Legislature.  Of these bills, 0 have been presented to the Governor; 0 bills have not.  The Governor has signed into law 0 bills and vetoed 0 bills.  Upon receipt of each bill, the Governor has fifteen (15) days to sign or veto the bill or to let the bill become law without the Governor's signature.

    «  Of the bills filed, 3 bills appear to have had the potential to become a possible omnibus bill, or "train," as written.

    • An omnibus bill, commonly referred to as a “train,” is a proposed law that packages together multiple legal measures on diverse or unrelated topics into a single document that is voted upon as a single item.  Omnibus is a Latin term that means "for everything.”  The length and scope of omnibus bills limit the time and opportunities for in-depth analysis and debate.  Often, omnibus bills are the vehicle used to pass controversial amendments.  Therefore, some observers consider omnibus bills problematic. 

    «  Remember that in order for a bill to become law in Florida, companion versions of each bill filed in the legislature must:

    • clear several committees in both the House and Senate chambers,
    • be read three times in both chambers,
    • pass votes taken in both chambers,
    • survive the joint conference committee if any language differs in each chamber's version of the bill, and
    • receive the governor's signature.

    «  Therefore, each bill is statistically more likely not to become law.

Legislative Updates Archive