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Neptune Middle School - Osceola County, FL

Every Child, Every Chance, Every Day!

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School News

  •  Keep Osceola Safe

    Keep Osceola Safe

    The Osceola School Board is committed to the safety and security of all students, staff, and visitors. The Osceola School District has detailed comprehensive safety and emergency plans for every site, and all schools regularly conduct various drills, such as fire drills, severe weather drills, and intruder drills, to prepare students for an emergency.

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  •  Let's Talk

    Let's Talk with the Osceola School District

    The Osceola School District is committed to engaging all stakeholders in the education of our children. Only when we build strong relationships with our staff, students, families and community members can we best meet the needs of each and every student.

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  •  Share Your Great

    Share Your Great

    Have you been inspired by someone in our schools? Is your school helping us build our legacy as we move from Good to Great? Do you have a teacher who has made a difference on your life or the life of your child? Share the good news with us!

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  •  Here Comes The Bus

    Learn More About Here Comes The Bus

    ​Here Comes the Bus is easy-to-use school bus tracking software that gives parents and students the ability to track the location of their school buses.

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School District News

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Principal's Message

  •   Rademacher

Principal's Message

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    January 2025

    Dear Neptune Family 

    Welcome back! I hope you all had a wonderful and restful Christmas break filled with joy, laughter, and cherished moments with family and friends. As we step into the new year, I am excited to see our school community come together once again, ready to embark on the next chapter of our educational journey.

    The start of a new year is always a time of renewal and fresh beginnings. It offers us the opportunity to set new goals, embrace new challenges, and continue striving for excellence in all that we do. I encourage each of you to approach this term with enthusiasm, determination, and a positive mindset.

    Our dedicated teachers and staff have been working diligently to prepare engaging and enriching learning experiences for all students. We are committed to providing a supportive and nurturing environment where every student can thrive academically, socially, and emotionally.

    As we move forward, I would like to remind everyone of the importance of maintaining open lines of communication. Parents, your involvement and partnership are invaluable to us. Please do not hesitate to reach out to your child's teachers or to me if you have any questions or concerns.


    • Attendance: Regular attendance is crucial for academic success. Please ensure that your child arrives on time and is prepared for the school day.
    • Dress Code: Following the dress code procedures is important for maintaining a respectful and focused learning environment. Please ensure that your child adheres to the school uniform policy.
    • Student ID: It is essential for all students to carry their student ID at all times. This helps us maintain a safe and secure school environment.
    • Focus and Effort: As we look to finish the school year strong, it is important for students to stay focused and put in their best effort. Consistent effort and dedication will help them achieve their academic goals.

    Let's make this term a memorable and successful one. Together, we can achieve great things and continue to build a strong and vibrant school community.

    Wishing you all a fantastic start to the new year!

    It’s going to be a great year at Neptune Middle School! Go Seahawks! 


    Warm regards,

    Thomas Rademacher



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    1. Join by text: Text a unique class or school code to a Remind phone number. 
    2. Join online: Visit and enter the class or school code along with your mobile phone number. You'll get text notifications at the number you entered.
    3. Join via mobile app: Download the mobile app for iOS and Android devices and create a new account (or log in if you already have one.)
    4. To join a class, tap the + by Classes Joined and either join with your class code or search for your class. You'll automatically get app notifications.
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