Required Florida Department of Children and Families (DCF) Certificate of Training Completion

  • Annual Reminder

    Each employee must provide a certificate of training completion from the Florida Department of Children and Families (DCF) online training “Identifying and Reporting Child Abuse and Neglect” to the employee’s administrator/ supervisor.

    Page 31 of our SDOC Employee Orientation Companion Guide states:

    • “Section 1012.98(13) – School Community Professional Development Act, Florida Statutes, requires all School District employees to complete the Florida Department of Children and Families (DCF) online training at least once during employment with the School District. The DCF training may be accessed at the following link:

    • Once the employee completes the one (1) hour training, the employee shall submit a copy of the DCF certificate of completion to the employee’s administrator/ supervisor.
    • If an employee transfers to another work site within the School District, the employee shall be required to provide the receiving administrator/ supervisor with a copy of the certificate of completion.” 


    Each employee must take the DCF training at least once during employment with SDOC (e.g., Section 1012.98(13) – School Community Professional Development Act, Florida Statutes; FLDOE Guidance).

    However, the SDOC Employee Orientation is an annual requirement, so verification of the one-time DCF training is part of this annual requirement to ensure that SDOC employees comply with the state law. 

    Each yearnew employees should:

    1. complete the DCF training for the first time;
    2. acknowledge completion of the DCF training within the SDOC Employee Orientation; and
    3. provide a copy of the DCF certificate of training completion to the employee’s administrator/ supervisor.

    Each yearreturning/ veteran employees should:

    1. acknowledge completion of the DCF training within the SDOC Employee Orientation, and
    2. only if the employee’s administrator/ supervisor does not have one on file already, provide a copy of the DCF certificate of training completion. 

    Additional Information to Assist Employees

    • Employees must access the Florida Department of Children and Families (DCF) training website.  
    • Prior training through SDOC Professional Development does not meet this state requirement.  
    • Employees must obtain a DCF certificate of training completion from the DCF website with the DCF logo on it in order to complete this requirement in state law. 

    -- If the employee already has an account and completed DCF’s online training before, then the employee may log in and click on “View Certificate” to download their certificate as a PDF file and/ or print a copy of it. 

    -- If the employee did not complete DCF’s online training before, then the employee cannot download or print the certificate until the employee completes DCF’s online training.

    -- If the employee has to create a new account on DCF’s online training website, then the employee has not completed DCF’s online course before.

    -- It is the employee’s responsibility to provide their administrator/ supervisor with a copy of their certificate of completion.

    -- Employees may either e-mail the PDF file or provide a print copy of their certificate of completion to their administrator/ supervisor.

    • For DCF Website Technical Support, employees may call 9-1-(800) 357-1072. 
    • If an employee ever misplaces the DCF certificate of training completion, then the employee must re-take the training for a new DCF certificate of training completion. 
    • If an employee transfers to a new SDOC work site, it remains the employee’s responsibility to provide a copy of the DCF certificate of training completion to the employee’s administrator/ supervisor at the new SDOC work site.