• welcome

  • Student Council Logo


    Christopher Adalio


  • Student Council

    Neptune Middle School Student Council is a place for students to discuss issues, come up with ideas, and problem solve. NPMS Student Council was re-established in 2019. The group has become a major factor on campus as our members have their ears to the ground of the student population and regularly bring concerns, suggestions, and feedback to teachers and administrators. In addition, Student Council members are expected to be aware of current events outside of school, such as in the community, state, country, and world, and be willing to engage in friendly debate.

    NPMS Student Council has a president and vice president from each grade level and an at-large secretary position. These executive board members were elected by the NPMS Student Council members for being strong leaders that are willing to make the group reach even greater heights.

    Overall, NPMS Student Council. is a safe and fun place for students to discuss ideas and problems that they are passionate about.


    Students participating in all levels of Student Council will maintain a high standard of personal and academic conduct. Council members will demonstrate leadership qualities by serving as good examples of behavior through their words and actions. See the NPMS Student Council Constitution for more information.


    Student Council meets on Fridays in Mr. Adalio's room, 6002 (Located in building 6). During our meetings, we have discussions about issues from the school level up through national affairs. We also conduct elections and planning sessions for our events.

    How To Join

    Students should attend the first few meetings of the year to demonstrate interest. Once we reach 60 members, we cannot accept any additional members unless some drop out, and then we can add more. Students must have permission from their 1st period teacher to attend.