• Exceptional Student Education Programs

    Here you will find information regarding the programs our district offers to support students with disabilities.

    Program Definitions and Related Terms

    If your child is new to our district or recently identified with a disability, the terms and descriptions can be confusing.  Please click HERE for a brochure that highlights frequently used identifications and terms.  This brochure is in Spanish as well. Sorry for the inconvenience--the link to the brochure is currently disabled while we are making updates to the brochure. 

    Educational Assistance Dog (EAD) Program

    The Education Assistance Dog (EAD) program began during the 2018-2019 school year with a single dog supporting a self-contained classroom for students with Autism Spectrum Disorder at St. Cloud Elementary.  Before the end of that school year, two additional schools began participating in the program.  Each year since then, additional schools have added an EAD to their campus.  There are now nine working dogs assisting students with Autism, Intellectual Disabilities, or those who are Deaf and Hard-of-Hearing.  Additional dogs work with guidance counselors and social workers and in high school Life Labs.

    Project Search

    Project SEARCH is an Internship Program for students with disabilities, allowing them to acquire employable skills. 

    Project SEARCH gives transition age students access to new possibilities outside the classroom, while giving them opportunities to acquire competitive, transferable, and marketable job skills that can lead to paid employment in an integrated setting.  Students participating in Project SEARCH engage in internships at local business sites, including AdventHealth Kissimmee and Gaylord Palms Resort and Convention Center. 

    Click here to listen to the story of one of our many successful students!

    Hospital/Homebound Program

    The Homebound or Hospitalized program is designed for students who are unable to attend school due to a medically diagnosed physical or mental condition which requires home or hospital confinement and restricted activities for an extended period of time. This program allows students to continue their academic progress so that they will not lose credit during the period of illness. To be eligible for this program, a licensed physician must certify that the student is expected to be absent from school for at least 15 consecutive school days and is free from diseases which would endanger the health of others. If it is the physician’s opinion that the student will be able to participate and benefit from an instructional program at home or in a hospital setting, educational services may be provided. Students diagnosed as chronically ill or who have a repeating intermittent illness due to a persisting medical problem are also eligible for the program. A teacher will provide educational services through home visits, by telephone, and/or any other means of instruction necessary to carry out the goals of the Individual Education Plan and to meet the needs of the student. The application for program services may be obtained from the guidance department at the child’s school. Additional information can also be obtained at the Exceptional Student Education office (407) 343-8700.

    Hospital/Homebound Agreement & Physician Certification Documents:

    English/ Spanish