• Charge Policy

    Students without money (paid eligibility) are allowed to charge two (2) lunches at the Elementary level and K8, one (1) lunch at the Secondary level before being offered an alternate meal. Alternate meals will consist of a cheese sandwich, fruit, vegetable, and milk. These meals are part of the regular menu and are available for all participants.

    The Alternate Meals are entered into the POS using the Student ID number and a key set up for the Alternate Meals. The Alternative Meal contains all the components of a reimbursable meal and is claimed for reimbursement based on the student’s eligibility.

    The name of the student getting the Alternate Meal is also recorded on the Alternative Meal Count Roster to be monitored and provided to the principal for investigation. All charged lunches are expected to be repaid.

    Daily, the SNS manager or cashier should review the Alternative Meals served. Parents of students at the Elementary, K8, and Middle school level should be phoned if a child receives one (1) Alternative Meal. The SNS manager should contact the principal if a child receives two (2) Alternative Meals in a row. The SNS Field Supervisor should be contacted by the SNS manager if a child receives three (3) Alternative Meals in a row. If a student refuses an alternative meal, the refusal box on the Alternative Meal Count Roster must be checked by the cashier and initialed by the student.

    À la carte sales to students with a negative balance should only be in cash. The change is to be returned to the child unless instructed by the parent/guardian to apply the change to the debt. Cashiers MUST NOT discuss negative account balances with students in the serving lines.

    On the first and third Friday of every month (per the SNS due date calendar), the SNS manager at CEP and NON-CEP SCHOOLS will print a negative balance report and negative balance letters for each student on that report. The letters will be taken to the school office to be distributed. Every manager will be trained by their supervisor on the proper method to distribute the letters to protect the student’s privacy. The manager will now sign and date the negative balance report certifying the letters have been sent out. This report will be kept on file at the school.

    School Nutrition Services does not allow charging for Breakfast meals because all schools provide Universal Free and CEP Breakfast. Each POS at a NON-CEP school is equipped with a No Charge Key. This key is used to record a paid reimbursable meal that is given, and no money is collected. This key is used on the first day of school each year for any student that does not have money to pay for their meal, or on a student’s first day of school if the student has no money to pay for the meal. This key is also used if the school administrator wants a student to eat at no charge. The NO CHARGE meal is only provided to a child that does not already have a negative balance. If a student has an uncollected balance, they are to receive an Alternate Meal.

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