• Class of 2025

    Congratulations, seniors! You've made it to your senior year. This page is filled with information to help you understand expectations for your senior year, as well as to help you make plans for after graduation.

    Stay up-to-date on announcements and updates by being sure you're in the Class of 2025 Remind account.

    Graduating with a Plan 

    Every graduating senior is expected to have a confirmed plan for after graduation in line with one of the district's 4Es

    Students are expected to report the following information to the College & Career Counselor - Mrs. Raquel Stewart by forwarding emails, stopping by the CCC to show proof, or by sending information through Remind: 

    • Every college, technical, and trade school acceptance 
    • Every scholarship offer 
    • Every full-time job offer 
    • FAFSA confirmation pages (The subject line of the email reads We Received Your FAFSA Form. Take Steps to Prepare to Pay for School.)
    • Enlistment confirmation 

    Let's celebrate these major achievements! The first college acceptance, enlistment, or job offer you show your College & Career Counselor gets you a FREE #got plans t-shirt - EVEN if it's not your final decision. 

    Scheduling an Appointment  

    Click here here to make an appointment with your College & Career Counselor.   

    2-Year College/Technical School Opportunities 

    There are hundreds of amazing, well-paying careers that do not require a 4-year degree. You can earn a well-paying job through many 2-year and technical programs. Check out the 2-Year, Technical, Trade Schools tab for more information. Applications for 2-year and technical programs should usually be completed in January of senior year.

    Students interested in Valencia College should meet with the Valencia Transition Coach as early as possible in their senior year to ensure they are able to learn about all of the possible pathways and program opportunities through Valencia College. 

    Valencia College 

    Interested in exploring all of the AA, AS, technical, and trade programs at Valencia College? Meet with our very own Valencia Transition Coach, Mrs. Burton (lynette.burton@osceolaschools.net), to explore opportunities and receive support in applying. Schedule an appointment here on a Monday or Thursday! Mrs. Burton is ONLY at Poinciana High School on Mondays and Thursdays. The application process includes the application and residency to be able to enroll and receive in-state tuition. If you plan to apply during your appointment with Mrs. Burton, please bring the following: 

    1. Credit/Debit card $35 (DE does NOT reapply)
    2. Social Security Number (if you have one)
    3. Photo of one parent’s FL Driver’s License OR Florida ID (if they have one)
    4. Photo of one parent’s FL Vehicle Registration OR Voter's Registration Card (if they have one)
    *All documents MUST be at least one year old
    **If your last name is not at least part of your parent’s last name, take a photo of YOUR birth certificate and THEIR marriage license if their name is different than on your birth certificate.
    ***Recent Immigration Documents, if applicable 

    4-Year College Opportunities 

    To submit the most competitive college applications, counselor forms and letters of recommendation need to be requested on Xello by September 30th. College applications should be completed and submitted by November 1st.  

    Use this checklist to map out your senior year and stay on track. Check out Poinciana's Step by Step Guide for 4-Year College Applications for directions for applying to 4-year colleges.  

    Remember, it's much better to apply early and update your application as you get new test scores and add community service hours than it is to wait to apply.

    For most colleges, the latest you can take the SAT/ACT for your college applications is October of your senior year. You can take the ACT and SAT through May/June of your senior year to meet Bright Futures requirements.   

    Check out the 4-Year College Preparation & Application Support tab for more information.  

    Letters of Recommendation 

    Not all colleges require or even accept letters of recommendation. Check each school's application materials to see if they require or even accept letters of recommendation. If they do, think seriously about who will write your letters of recommendation for college. You should have at least 1 letter from a teacher who can speak to your strengths in an academically rigorous course. You should also have at least 1 letter from another teacher who knows you well. Ideally, these are teachers you've taken class with for at least 1 full school year already.  


    1. Fill out a detailed brag sheet. You will give this brag sheet to your letter writer if they agree to write you a strong letter of recommendation.
      1. If you are asking a counselor, you will fill out the Common Application Counselor Brag Sheet
      2. If you are asking a teacher, you will fill out the Common Application Teacher Brag Sheet
    2. Ask your potential letter writer if they are comfortable writing you a strong letter of recommendation 
    3. Give your letter writers a copy of your brag sheet
    4. Give your letter writer at least 1 month to write your letter 
    5. Thank your letter writer 

    Click here to learn more about creating your own, professional email account and to see sample emails for recommending letters of recommendation and submitting fee waivers. 

    See the Step by Step Guide for 4-Year College Applications for step-by-step directions on how to make sure your colleges get your letters of recommendation!  

    Bright Futures 

    Learn more about the Bright Futures scholarship program on the PHS College & Career website and on the Poinciana High School Guidance webpage.

    Community service hours and work hours are due on the last day of your senior year, or they will not count towards Bright Futures. Your class credits and GPA must meet requirements at this time.

    You can take the ACT and SAT through May/June of your senior year to meet Bright Futures requirements.     


    Seniors even considering continuing their education at a trade school, technical school, or college should complete the FAFSA in December of their senior year. Click here for more information on completing the FAFSA and support available to help you through it.  For a step-by-step video, click here: 2024-2025 Step-By-Step FAFSA Tutorial - YouTube

    Students are asked to forward their FAFSA confirmation email to Mrs. Stewart at raquel.stewart@osceolaschools.net. (The email subject line reads We Received Your FAFSA Form. Take Steps to Prepare to Pay for School.)


    Looking for scholarships for college? Look no further than the list you see on the Financial Aid tab and below. 

    Qualifying for a Test Waiver and College Application Waivers

    If a junior or senior qualifies for free/reduced lunch, the student qualifies for the following:

    • College Application Fee Waivers
    • 1 SAT waiver (covers the cost of TWO Saturday test dates)
    • 4 ACT Waivers

    Where can I complete the free/reduced lunch application?

    Visit the school district website to complete the free/reduced lunch application. You can also pick up an alternate income verification form in the College and Career Center (room 276). The application must be completed annually. 

    SAT/ACT Schedule & Registration Deadlines 

    Click here to view the SAT/ACT test dates and registration deadlines. Click here to learn more about the SAT/ACT. Remember, the deadline to test for your college applications is October of your senior year. The deadline to test for Bright Futures is May of your senior year.