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Reproductive Health and Disease Education
SDOC Board Policy 4.10.VII-XII implements the sexuality education model whereby sexual abstinence is promoted, per FL State Statute 1003.46, as the most effective protection against unplanned pregnancies and STD’s, including HIV/AIDS, teach that each student has the power to control personal behavior and encourage students to base actions on reasoning, self-esteem, and respect for others. All instruction and materials each student receives are grade and age appropriate.
According to Florida Statute 1003.42 (3) “Any student whose parent makes written request to the school principal shall be exempted from the teaching of reproductive health or any disease, including HIV/AIDS, its symptoms, development, and treatment. A student so exempted may not be penalized by reason of that exemption. Course descriptions for comprehensive health education shall not interfere with the local determination of appropriate curriculum which reflects local values and concerns.”
Parent/Guardian opt in/out consent letters for each level are included in the curriculum information below.
Middle School
Health is a required class offered for one semester in Middle School. Click the following links for more information:
Sexual Health and Reproduction Curriculum Unit Plan
Sexual Health and Reproduction Consent Parent Letter
High School
Health Opportunities in Physical Education and Lifestyle Design are both offered as High School courses that teach a lesson in body systems, infectious diseases, and healthy relationships. Click the links below for more information:
Body Systems
Infectious Diseases
Healthy Relationships