• Both Poinciana High School's College & Career Center and the School District of Osceola County offer multiple opportunities throughout the year for students and their families to learn about dozens of topics related to college and career preparation. 

    Here's what is coming up this school year! This page is updated regularly, so be sure to check back for new information and updated event details throughout the year. 

  • In-Person Events    

    September 17, 2024College Knowledge Night in the media center. Doors open at 5:30 pm for light refreshments and tabling. The formal event starts at 6:00 pm.
    College admission requires much more than the basics of a high school diploma. Students in all grades are strongly encouraged to attend with their families.    

    • Valencia College is tabling to share information on AS degrees, AA degrees,  Accelerated Skills Training programs, and financial aid.
    • Click here for the College Knowledge Night flyer
    • Click here for a sneak peek at the College Knowledge Night agenda and sessions  


    Past Events 

    July 5-21: Valencia College Sum Up! Free Summer Math Academy. This is a free summer experience for graduating seniors interested in strengthening their math skills before enrolling in college level math. Seniors, it will also allow you to be on a college campus, meet other students, and learn the college ropes. Application required. Click here for more information and to register.  

    September 11, 2022: NACAC (National Association for College Admission Counseling) Orlando National College Fair, 1-4 pm, Orange County Convention Center. All students and their families are welcome to attend. Learn more and register by clicking here. See a list of participating schools by clicking here. (Please note, this is not a Poinciana High School-sponsored event. This is just a great opportunity worth sharing for students and families interested in 4-year colleges!)

    September 13, 2022: Florida State University Care Program visit & presentation, 9 am, PHS auditorium. Juniors and seniors in Ascend, Osceola Scholars, and AVID only. 

    September 19, 2022: Valencia College visit & presentation at 9 am in the PHS auditorium. Registration required. Seniors only. Seniors can register here. Seniors - your email confirmation from Calendly is your pass to the workshop.       

    September 26, 2022: ScholarTrek College Fair, 8:30-10 am, PHS gymnasium. Seniors who register at https://forms.office.com/r/kt9DU0AVdC by 11:59 pm on 9/22, sophomores and juniors in Ascend, AVID and Osceola Scholars, and freshmen Osceola Scholars only.  

    • All students attending event must pre-register at https://app.strivescan.com/students?tag=scholartrek to receive a QR code to enter the fair. 
    • The ScholarTrek College Fair features representatives from the University of Central Florida (UCF), New York Film Academy, Rollins College, Saint Leo University, University of South Florida (USF), Universal Technical Institute (UTI), University of South Alabama, Florida Atlantic University (FAU), Florida Institute of Technology (FIT), Florida International University (FIU), Florida Southern College, Lynn University, Florida State University (FSU), New College of Florida, Florida Memorial University (FMU), Keiser University, New York Institute of Technology, Nova Southeastern University, Verto Education, Utah State University, Herzing University, Fisher College, The Citadel, Webber International University, the University of Miami (UM), military representatives, and more.  

    September 26, 2022: Osceola Technical College is tabling at both lunches to share information on programs and opportunities. All students are welcome to stop by and learn more.   

    September 26, 2022: Valencia College Application Workshop. Valencia College representatives will be on campus to help seniors apply to Valencia College. The application fee will be waived for seniors who attend and apply. Seniors can sign up for the 6th period or 7th period sessions here. Seniors - your email confirmation from Calendly is your pass to the workshop. 

    October 5, 2022: Middlebury College visit & presentation, 9 am, College & Career Center (room 276). Juniors and seniors in Osceola Scholars and Ascend only. 

    October 7, 2022: HBCU College Fair field trip at ESPN Wide World of Sports. Seniors only. Juniors who turn in a permission slip will be placed on a wait list. Students can pick up permission slips in the College & Career Center (room 276) before school, during lunch, or after school. Permission slips are due no later than September 13th. 

    • This is a free field trip
    • Approved attendees are expected to dress business casual and meet in the College & Career Center (room 276) at 8:45 am 
    • Students should bring their school computer, charger, a snack, and water bottle 
    • Lunch will be provided at the event 
    • Seniors attending will be able to apply for colleges at the event. Schools will be making on-site admission and scholarship decisions.  
    • We return to campus at 1:50 pm

    October 17, 2022: Rollins College visit & presentation, 12 pm, College & Career Center (276). Registration is through the Class of 2023 and Class of 2024 Remind groups. The 1st 30 students who reply to Mrs. Malfara's Remind message, who are truly interested in learning more about or applying to Rollins College, and who have met all graduation requirements, will receive a pass through Remind to attend.      

    October 22, 2022: CAT Career Fair at Ring Power Corporation. 9 am-2pm. Click here for information and for how to register, or pick up a flyer in the College & Career Center. (Please note, this is not a Poinciana High School-sponsored event. This is just a great opportunity worth sharing for seniors looking for full-time employment related to heavy equipment, cranes, power generators, forklifts, air compressors, and utility trucks.)  

    October 26, 2022: Military Fair. Both lunches, all students. Representatives from all military branches will be at both lunches to share information about enlistment and opportunities and benefits of serving in our military branches. 

    October 26, 2022College Knowledge Night in the media center. Doors open at 5:30 pm for light refreshments and tabling. The formal event starts at 6:30 pm.
    College admission requires much more than the basics of a high school diploma. Students in all grades (especially 9th and 10th) are strongly encouraged to attend with their families.    

    • Give Kids the World is tabling to share volunteer opportunities 
    • Valencia College is tabling to share information on AS degrees, AA degrees,  Accelerated Skills Training programs, and financial aid
    • A representative from UCF will present on preparing for the college transition  
    • RSVP at https://forms.office.com/r/Rx9XUtHDJL
    • Click here for the College Knowledge Night flyer (Spanish
    • Click here for a sneak peak at the College Knowledge Night agenda and sessions (Spanish)  

    October 27, 2022: Club Rush. Both lunches, all students. Representatives from Poinciana High School's clubs will table to share information on how to get involved on campus. 

    October 31, 2022: No Tricks, Just Treats: Valencia College Application Workshop. Valencia College representatives will be on campus to help seniors apply to Valencia College. The application fee will be waived for seniors who attend and apply. Seniors can sign up for the 8:30 am or 10 am sessions by stopping by the College & Career pass to pick up a pass.

    November 4, 2022: Interested in a career in the trades and building construction? Sign up to attend a hands-on information session from Valencia College and ACE. Click here for the flyer, registration information, and additional event information. (Please note, this is not a Poinciana High School-sponsored event. This is just a great opportunity worth sharing for seniors interested in work after high school graduation.) 

    November 8, 2022: The Armed Services Vocational Aptitude Battery (ASVAB) will be offered to juniors and seniors considering enlistment. This test is a required part of the enlistment process. Click here for more information about the ASVAB. Test time: 8:45 am. Participating students will receive a pass during 1st period on 11/8. Register for the test by Thursday, November 3rd at https://forms.office.com/r/umcbNx84Hv 

    November 18, 2022: 2022 Florida Agricultural & Mechanical University (FAMU) Orlando Educational Fair. Click here for more information on the event and to register. The deadline to register is November 10th. Click here to learn how to connect with FAMU! (Please note, this is not a Poinciana High School-sponsored event. This is just a great opportunity worth sharing for junior and senior students and families interested in FAMU. Seniors, to attend, you must have already submitted your FAMU application!)  

    November 19, 2022: United States Naval Academy Admissions Forum, 8:30 am, Evans High School. Click here to learn more and for registration information. (Please note, this is not a Poinciana High School-sponsored event. This is just a great opportunity worth sharing for students and families interested in attending the naval academy.)   

    November 22, 2022: United States Naval Academy Information Forum, 3 pm, Roper YMCA. Click here for more information and to register. (Please note, this is not a Poinciana High School-sponsored event. This is just a great opportunity worth sharing for students and families interested in attending the naval academy.)  

    December 6, 2022: Very Merry Family Night in the auditorium at 6 pm. We will celebrate students with college acceptances and attendees will hear from a UCF representative, Valencia College representative, recent PHS grads, and school counselors about the college transition, AP course success, scholarships, funding your college education, and more. All students and their families are invited to attend! Click here to view the agenda for the evening, and click here to register! (Agenda - Spanish)   

    December 8, 2022: Valencia College Nursing Field Trip. The first 30 juniors and sophomores who turn in a completed permission slip to Mrs. Malfara in room 276 will get to attend Valencia College's Nursing Open House! Students will tour paramedic/EMT, phlebotomy, and nursing facilities, tour campus, and learn more about health programs at Valencia. Cost is FREE

    December 12, 2022: Get the gift that keeps on giving - your free college education! Valencia College Application Workshop. 8:30 am and 10 am - English. Valencia College representatives will be on campus to help seniors apply to Valencia College. The application fee will be waived for seniors who attend and apply. Seniors can sign up for the 8:30 am or 10 am sessions by stopping by the College & Career pass to pick up a pass.      

    January 12, 2023: Valencia College ELL Field Trip. The first 20 seniors whose primary/first language is Spanish and who turn in a completed permission slip to Mrs. Malfara in room 276 will get to attend this Valencia College field trip! The trip includes a tour and information session in Spanish. Cost is FREE. THIS TRIP IS FULL.  

    January 17, 2023: DE/AP Night. PHS Auditorium, 6 pm. All students and their families are invited to come out and learn about the benefits and expectations of both Dual Enrollment and AP coursework as you prepare for college. 

    January 19, 2023: Valencia College Application Workshop. 8:30 am - Spanish. 10 am - English. Valencia College representatives will be on campus to help seniors apply to Valencia College. The application fee will be waived for seniors who attend and apply. Seniors can sign up for the 8:30 am or 10 am sessions by stopping by the College & Career pass to pick up a pass.  

    February 2, 2023: Osceola Technical College Field Trip. The first 40 seniors interested in touring and learning more about programs at Osceola Technical College who turn in a completed permission slip to Mrs. Malfara in room 276 will get to attend this FREE field trip! Pick up your permission slip in room 276.

    February 13, 2023: Come fall in love with your future! Valencia College Application Workshop. Valencia College representatives will be on campus to help seniors apply to Valencia College. The application fee will be waived for seniors who attend and apply. Seniors can sign up for the 8:30 am or 10 am sessions by stopping by the College & Career pass to pick up a pass.   

    February 21, 2023: Osceola College & Career Fair at Osceola High School. All students and families are welcome. Join for an evening where you can explore and learn ALL things college and career related. There will be colleges & universities, vocational schools, employers, and organizations who will be hosting workshops. Pre-register at scholartrek.com/osceola.

    A bus will be provided, free of charge, for students who do not have a ride to the event but wish to attend. Students need to pick up a permission slip in room 276. Space is limited. Slips must be turned in by Thursday, February 16th


    February 24, 2023: Juniors and seniors interested in learning more about Florida Memorial University can contact Mrs. Malfara on Remind or through email (danielle.malfara@osceolaschools.net) to meet with a representative. Seniors with an FMU acceptance on record will receive a pass to attend.  

    March 3, 2023: Florida International University will meet with admitted seniors and interested juniors at 10:15 am in the College & Career Center (CCC, room 276). Interested students should contact Mrs. Malfara through Remind or email (danielle.malfara@osceolaschools.net)       

    March 9, 2023: Focus HBCU Fair. 9 am-1 pm. Rosen Shingle Creek Resort. On-site admission and scholarship opportunities for current seniors. Register and learn more by clicking here. (Please note, this is not a Poinciana High School-sponsored event. This is just a great opportunity worth sharing for students and families interested in attending an HBCU.)    

    March 21, 2023: The Armed Services Vocational Aptitude Battery (ASVAB) will be offered to juniors and seniors considering enlistment. This test is a required part of the enlistment process. Click here for more information about the ASVAB. Test time: 9:00 am. Participating students will receive a pass during 1st period on 3/21. Interested students must register here by Friday, March 10th. 

    March 23, 2023: #IGotPlans Fair in the OBA Mixer Space (14-101). Seniors are expected to have a confirmed plan for after graduation related to one of the 4 Es. Representatives from the following companies will be on site to share education, employment, enlistment, and exploration opportunities with students. Seniors without a confirmed plan on file with Mrs. Malfara will receive a pass to attend. All other students are invited to attend during their assigned lunch.     

    March 30, 2023: Entrepreneurship Field Trip. Juniors and seniors interested in starting and running their own business - we have a FREE entrepreneurship field trip! Additional information can be found here. Pick up a field trip consent form in room 276. First come, first serve! There are only 25 spots. Consent forms need to be completed and returned to Mrs. Malfara in 276 no later than March 29th.   

    April 6, 2023: Explore Construction Careers Day. Juniors and seniors, periods 2-4. Students who sign up will receive a pass during 1st period on April 6th with their assigned period to attend. Learn more and register here.    

    April 25, 2023: Decision Day celebration during the school day for all seniors who complete their Senior Survey AND have their post-graduation plan documented and confirmed with the College and Career Counselor, Mrs. Malfara by April 7th. More information can be found here.   

  • Virtual Events 

    Free, virtual events you can tune in to from the comfort of your home!            

    Past Virtual Events

    August 31, 2022: College & Career Corner SDOC4E/Xello presentation, 6 pm. Free, virtual event. Click the topic on the handout to join the presentation! You can view the handout here.  

    September 7, 2022: College & Career Corner Quest Bridge presentation, 6 pm. Free, virtual event. Click the topic on the handout to join the presentation! You can view the handout here.    

    September 14, 2022: College & Career Corner Ivy League Colleges presentation, 6 pm. Free, virtual event. Click the topic on the handout to join the presentation! You can view the handout here.    

    September 15, 2022: College 101: What to do, when to do it, and how. Step 1: Explore, 6 pm. Free, virtual event.  
    You have choices. Which one is right for you? Click here for more information and to register. Advanced registration is required.  

    September 21, 2022: College & Career Corner B2L Career Spotlight: House Representative presentation, 6 pm. Free, virtual event. Click the topic on the handout to register in advance. You can view the handout here.    

    September 22, 2022: College 101: What to do, when to do it, and how. Step 2: Apply, 6 pm. Free, virtual event.  
    Submit a college application that wows! Click here for more information and to register. Advanced registration is required.  

    September 28, 2022: College & Career Corner Financial Aid & Scholarships presentation, 6 pm. Free, virtual event. Click the topic on the handout to join the presentation! You can view the handout here.    

    September 28, 2022 through November 9, 2022 (select dates): College Board Big Future Real Talk Sessions - Fall 2022. Real Talk is a virtual college exploration initiative designed to connect Black students and families with Black representatives from colleges and access organizations across the country. Real Talk sessions empower Black students to own their futures their way. Learn more about sessions and registration here.   

    September 29, 2022: College 101: What to do, when to do it, and how. Step 3: Fund, 6 pm. Free, virtual event.   
    You’ve applied. Now, how do you pay for college? Click here for more information and to register. Advanced registration is required.

    October 5, 2022: College & Career Corner Sunrise Scholars presentation, 6pm. Free, virtual event. Click the topic on the handout to join the presentation. You can view the handout here. (Spanish)   

    October 12, 2022: College & Career Corner FAFSA Live Session, 6pm. Free, virtual event. Click the topic on the handout to join the presentation. You can view the handout here. (Spanish)     

    October 19, 2022: College & Career Corner Dual Enrollment presentation, 6pm. Free, virtual event. Click the topic on the handout to join the presentation. You can view the handout here. (Spanish)

    October 25, 2022: Guiding the College Bound Athlete, 8 pm, registration required. All students interested in college athletics and their families will learn information on recruitment, scholarships, and eligibility. Click here for more information and registration information.  

    October 26, 2022: College & Career Corner B2L Career Spotlight: Cyber Security & Online Careers, 6pm. Free, virtual event. Click the topic on the handout to register in advance. You can view the handout here. (Spanish)     

    October 26, 2022: College Board Big Future Events: Homeroom with Sal: Careers Majors, College - Where do I start? 7-7:45 pm. Register here in advance.  

    November 1, 2022: College Board Big Future Events: How to Get into College. 7-7:45 pm. Register here in advance.   

    November 2, 2022: College & Career Corner Discover Pre-Apprenticeship Programs for Junior Achievement presentation, 6pm. Free, virtual event. Click the topic on the handout to join the presentation. You can view the handout here. (Spanish)    

    November 8, 2022: Coalition for College: Succeeding in College as a First-Generation Student, 8-9 pm. Description: Are you the first in your family to attend college? Join us to hear from admissions counselors and current students who were first-generation college students themselves. They’ll share insight and guidance on the admissions process, as well as how to be successful in college. Hear their stories and ask your questions. Featuring: Beloit College, DePauw University, University at Buffalo, University of Delaware, University of La Verne. Register here

    November 9, 2022: College & Career Corner FAFSA Live Session - Spanish presentation, 6pm. Free, virtual event. Click the topic on the handout to join the presentation. You can view the handout here. (Spanish)  

    November 16, 2022: College & Career Corner Success Strategies for Immigrant Students presentation, 6pm. Free, virtual event. Click the topic on the handout to join the presentation. You can view the handout here. (Spanish)    

    November 17, 2022: College Board Big Future Scholarships & Exploring Careers webinar, 6 pm, free, virtual event. This event will focus on how students can connect to BigFuture’s FREE platform to help them guide their search for colleges, scholarships, and careers. Click here to register in advance.  

    November 30, 2022: College & Career Corner B2L Career Spotlight: Desk to Doc presentation, 6pm. Free, virtual event. Click the topic on the handout to register in advance. You can view the handout here. (Spanish)    

    November 30, 2022: Coalition for College: Completing the CSS Profile, 8-9 pm. Description: As part of the financial aid process, some schools require students to complete the CSS Profile in addition to the FAFSA in order to better understand your family’s finances. At this panel discussion, admissions and financial aid officers from Coalition schools will share tips to help you complete the form, share common mistakes to avoid, and answer your questions. Register here.   

    December 7, 2022: College & Career Corner CareerSource - Career Support Organization presentation, 6 pm. Free, virtual event. Click the topic on the handout to join the presentation! You can view the handout here. (Spanish)     

    December 14, 2022: College & Career Corner FAFSA Live Session - Haitian Creole presentation, 6 pm. Free, virtual event. Click the topic on the handout to join the presentation! You can view the handout here. (Spanish)

    December 28, 2022: College & Career Corner B2L Career Spotlight - Marine Careers, 6 pm. Free, virtual event. Click the topic on the handout to join the presentation! You can view the handout here. (Spanish)

    January 11, 2023: College & Career Corner College Board & SAT Prep presentation, 6 pm. Free, virtual event. Click the topic on the handout to join the presentation! You can view the handout here. (Spanish)    

    January 18, 2023: College & Career Corner ACT & Test Prep presentation, 6 pm. Free, virtual event. Click the topic on the handout to join the presentation! You can view the handout here. (Spanish)   

    January 25, 2023: College & Career Corner B2L Career Spotlight: Firefighter/Paramedic presentation, 6 pm. Free, virtual event. Click the topic on the handout to join the presentation! You can view the handout here. (Spanish)   

    February 1, 2023: College & Career Corner Career & Technical Pathways, 6-7 pm. Free, virtual event. Click the topic on the handout to join the presentation! You can view the handout here. (Spanish)     

    February 8, 2023: College & Career Corner HBCU Virtual Fair, 4-7 pm. Free, virtual event. Click the topic on the handout to join the presentation! You can view the handout here. (Spanish)       

    February 15, 2023: Resume Writing, 6-7 pm. Free, virtual event. Click the topic on the handout to join the presentation! You can view the handout here. (Spanish

    February 22, 2023: B2L Career Spotlight - Marketing in Health Care, 4-7 pm. Free, virtual event. Click the topic on the handout to join the presentation! You can view the handout here. (Spanish)      

    March 1, 2023: College & Career Corner FAFSA Live, 6-8 pm. Free, virtual event. Click the topic on the handout to join the presentation! You can view the handout here. (Spanish)     

    March 8, 2023: College & Career Corner Interpreting Financial Aid & Appeals, 6-7 pm. Free, virtual event. Click the topic on the handout to join the presentation! You can view the handout here. (Spanish)     

    March 22, 2023: College & Career Corner Military Options (Enlistment), 6-7 pm. Free, virtual event. Click the topic on the handout to join the presentation! You can view the handout here. (Spanish)       

    March 29, 2023: College & Career Corner B2L Career Spotlight - Careers in the Metaverse, 6-7 pm. Free, virtual event. Click the topic on the handout to join the presentation! You can view the handout here. (Spanish)  

    April 5, 2023: College & Career Corner Exploration/Gap Year: Is it Right for Me? 6-7 pm. Free, virtual event. Click the topic on the handout to join the presentation! You can view the handout here. (Spanish)  

    April 12, 2023: College & Career Corner ABCs to Student Loans, 6-7 pm. Free, virtual event. Click the topic on the handout to join the presentation! You can view the handout here. (Spanish)  

    April 19, 2023: College & Career Corner Soft Skills, 6-7 pm. Free, virtual event. Click the topic on the handout to join the presentation! You can view the handout here. (Spanish)  

    April 29, 2023: College & Career Corner B2L Career Spotlight, 6-7 pm. Free, virtual event. Click the topic on the handout to join the presentation! You can view the handout here. (Spanish)