Diploma Programme (DP) students are more likely to enroll in and graduate from college than their non-DP peers regardless of race or socioeconomic status.

  • SDOC IB Seniors (2002-2019)

    Top-tier Post-secondary Institution Acceptances

    • Baylor University
    • Rice University
    • Boston College
    • Rutgers University
    • Boston University
    • Tulane University
    • Brown University
    • United States Air Force Academy
    • Carnegie Mellon University
    • United States Naval Academy
    • College of William and Mary
    • University of California (Berkley)
    • Columbia University
    • University of California (Los Angeles)
    • Cornell University
    • University of Chicago
    • Duke University
    • University of Colorado (Boulder)
    • Emory University
    • University of Florida
    • George Washington University
    • University of Illinois (Urbana Champagne)
    • Georgetown University
    • University of Iowa
    • Georgia Institute of Technology
    • University of Miami
    • Harvard University
    • University of North Carolina (Chapel Hill)
    • Illinois Institute of Technology
    • University of Notre Dame
    • Johns Hopkins University
    • University of Pennsylvania
    • Massachusetts Institute of Tech
    • University of Rochester
    • New York University
    • University of Texas (Austin)
    • Northwestern University
    • University of Virginia
    • Ohio State University
    • Vanderbilt University
    • Pennsylvania State University
    • Yale University
    • Princeton University


    *Top-tier status was determined by US News Top 100 National University Rankings.


    University or College

    IB students 
    acceptance rate

    Total population 
    acceptance rate


    University of Florida




    Florida State University




    Brown University




    Stanford University




    Columbia University




    University of California - Berkeley




    Harvard University




    New York University




    University of Michigan




    University of Miami




    • 82% of DP students from Title 1 schools immediately enroll in college after high school compared to 66% of their non-DP peers. 
    • 79% of DP students in low-income students from Title 1 schools immediately enroll in college after high school compared to 46% of their non-DP peers. 
    • 84% of Black or African American DP students from Title 1 schools immediately enroll in college after high school compared to 57% of their non-DP peers.
    • 75% of low-income Hispanic DP students from Title 1 schools immediately enroll in college after high school compared to 60% of their non-DP peers.
    • 82% of low-income White DP students from Title 1 schools immediately enroll in college after high school compared to 60% of their non-DP peers. 

    Source: Gordon, Melissa, Emily VanderKamp, and Olivia Halic. "International Baccalaureate programmes in Title I schools in the United States: Accessibility, participation and enrollment." IB Research department. 2021. https://ibo.org/globalassets/new-structure/research/pdfs/title-1-schools-research.pdf


  • Benefits According to Alumni:

    According to DP alumni:

    • Their high school experiences in the DP prepared them academically for college.
    • The DP prepares students for the college workload, and students develop improved time management, writing and critical-thinking skills.
    • The rigour and challenge of the DP helped them make the transition to college smoothly.
    • They entered college knowing how to study, and linked this directly to their high school DP experience.
    • Their DP experience contributed to a positive academic self-concept and self-efficacy, college identity and career and life goals. 

    Source: Aldana, Ursula and Anysia Mayer. "Interim Report: Study of IB students' high school and post-secondary experiences." 2017. https://ibo.org/globalassets/new-structure/research/pdfs/low-income-households-summary-en2.pdf.

Additional Research: