• Part-time students may apply anytime throughout the school year and may take up to 2 classes at once. Please contact your primary school's counselor for assistance with this process.

    Our Partnership:

        Osceola Virtual School recognizes that education of children is a process that involves a partnership between a child, a child's parents, teacher, school administrators and other school personnel. We welcome and encourage parental participation. We promote mutual respect, civility, and orderly conduct to maintain, to the greatest extent reasonably possible, a safe and harassment-free workplace for all. 

    Notice from FLVS and our Franchise:

    "Please note that FLVS does not provide any Access Points of the Florida State Standards which offer modified curriculum and assessment options for students with intellectual disabilities or significant cognitive disabilities. Parents are encouraged to discuss Access Point options that are available in the district of record for students with significant cognitive disabilities who need reduced levels of complexity/reduced academic expectations to ensure successful student outcomes."

    Please see link below for more information.



    Instructions on how to make Course Selections and how to navigate your courses are down below.