• Student Parking

    Parking on campus is a privilege reserved for our juniors and seniors at Celebration High School. Please take note of the following information as related to parking on campus:

    • Applications can be picked up in Student Services or by clicking here.
    • Cost is $30 and can only be paid online by clicking here
    • Parking is first come, first serve
    • Students need to provide a copy of: driver's license, proof of insurance, and Florida registration

    Senior Parking - In addition to the regular parking application (see above), seniors may also purchase a reserved spot in rows 5-8 of the parking lot (see map below for reserved senior parking) for an additional $10. This fee is in addition to the initial $30. Seniors purchasing a reserved spot will be eligible to paint their parking spot. Seniors interested in purchasing a reserved spot can purchase online by clicking here

    Dates for Senior Painting: September 14 & 21

    Parking Map

    Competing the SDOC form for permission for absence from campus during lunch means acknowledging that those permissions may be revoked if:

    • The student fails to comply with any SDOC policy or the policies of the school
    • The student fails to comply with any other of the conditions contained in the application

    All student drivers parking on our school campus must all abide by these rules:

    • You must possess and visibly display a school-issued 2024-25 parking decal.
    • You must park in your designated area.
    • You must exit your vehicle and enter the school building as soon as you arrive at school (no hanging out in the parking lot).
    • You must arrive to school on time. 

    Failure to follow these rules and policies may result in your parking privileges being revoked and/or your vehicle being towed at your expense. 

    Violation Consequences:

    • 1st Violation - Warning
    • 2nd Violation - Parking privileges will be revoked for one week.
    • 3rd Violation - Parking privileges will be revoked for the quarter.
    • 4th Violation - Parking privileges will be revoked for the year.  

     If you have any questions related to student parking, you may contact the dean secretary below:

    Sandra Correa, Dean Secretary  Cheryl Vicari