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Testing Information
Welcome to the Poinciana High School Testing Page!
Mrs. Vincutonis: Assistant Principal of College and Career and Assessments
Ingrid Morales Vazquez, Ph.D: Testing Coordinator
Testing Expectations
- Be present (Come to school regularly, report to your testing location at the designated date & time, & put forth effort to do well)
- Electronic devices (cellphones, MP3, smartwatches, iPods, etc.) should be turned off and placed in your bags BEFORE you enter the testing room.
- Place your bag in the designated area in the testing room.
- Report to the seat indicated on the testing list or as directed by the testing room administrator
- Only bottled water and a small snack is allowed at your testing station and YOU are responsible for cleaning up after yourself (Allowed for FSA/Pearson/WIDA/PERT test only)
- Talking/noise should be at a minimal as students are being seated
- Talking/noise should cease when the testing administrator/proctor indicates that they are ready to begin.
- Remain seated unless given permission to leave your seat
Bring your 1 to 1 laptop fully charged to testing with the power cord.
Testing Materials
Pencils, worksheets, and/or reference sheets as required for PERT, FSA, and EOCs will be provided.
Testing Dates
Virtual Family Night on the ELA Test for 9th and 10th grades.
Please contact our testing coordinator with any questions concerning school testing.