ESE Enhancement Video Messages from Superintendent Dr. Mark Shanoff

  • Our Mission

    The Department for Exceptional Student Education will provide a spectrum of innovative support that helps to inspire students with disabilities to reach their highest potential as responsible, productive citizens.

    Customer Service Policy

    The Department for Exceptional Student Education encourages collaboration among all stakeholders through being courteous, friendly, and approaching each interaction with the goal of removing barriers to learning for students with disabilities.

    We encourage our families to use the Let’s Talk link when you have questions or concerns. You will find this link at the bottom corner of the website.  Our team will research how best to support and provide needed follow-up.  Utilizing this system will help our team analyze trends and drive professional learning for our schools as well as help us determine technical assistance needs.

Exceptional Student Education Announcements

  • 2024-2025 FLDOE Exceptional Student Education ESE Parent Survey

    Each year the Florida Department of Education (FLDOE) asks the parents of Exceptional Student Education (ESE) to participate in a survey--seeking parent and guardian input to enhance services under the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA). The ESE Parent Survey is open to all parents of children with an individual educational plan (IEP) receiving ESE services from preschool through grade 12. It is not intended for parents of students receiving only gifted services through an educational plan (EP). Students with disabilities aged 18 or older may complete this survey. The survey is available for completion until June 30, 2025. If you have more than one child with an IEP, please complete one survey for each child. The survey can be accessed at or by using the QR code below!

    QR Code to access ESE Parent Survey

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  • ESE Happenings in April

    What's Happening in ESE in April


    Check out what's happening in the ESE Department in April...

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  • Safety Resources for Students with Disabilities

    Student safety is a number one priority--on every campus and with every staff member throughout the district as well as in our communities and in our own homes. Sometimes, ensuring that all individuals are safe is challenging, especially if the individual is non-verbal, has a cognitive disability, or another health condition. As a result, Ms. Kacie Rosario from Neptune Middle School created a list of safety resources currently in place within Osceola County. This list was used to create the document below as well as the new links we have available on the Parent Toolkit page of our department webpage, which can be found at THIS LINK!


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  • In the Osceola School District, the sky is the limit!

    Congratulations to all the winners and the nominees from all the schools who were recognized in this year's Osceola County School District's Education Awards! We would like to give a special congratulations to Ms. Justin Bruscato-Douglas, our very own District Program Specialist Lead for Secondary Curriculum and Instruction as well as Yodaliz Aviles Reyes, IEP assistant for Horizon Middle School. Both were Top Ten Finalists for School-Related Employee of the Year!

    A special shout-out to Goalbook for sponsoring our table at this year's event!!

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  • Project Decode

    Are you a teacher, or do you know a teacher who may be interested in getting their MEd or EDS degrees in Special Education? Check out this LINK for information on Project Decode!


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  • An Evening with the Agencies a HUGE Success!!!

    We are beyond excited to share that 130 families attended our annual "An Evening with the Agencies" event held at Gateway High School last night!! These families had the opportunity to interact with over 35 agencies from in and around Central Florida. We would like to extend a heartfelt thank you to all those involved. We can't wait for next year's event!!

    Photo grid from the "An Evening with the Agencies" Event

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  • ESE Happenings in March

    What's Happening in ESE in March

    Check out what's happening in the ESE Department in March...

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  • Events, Activities, and More Happening in and Around Our Community 

    Check out these amazing events and activities happening in and around our community! Make sure to click on each link to view the flyer for each event or activity!

    There is something for everyone...

    Toddler Open Gym

    Mini Hoopers- Toddler Basketball

    Homeschool Recreation

    Homeschool Social Club

    Chris Lyle Aquatic Center

    Stepping Out Walking Club

    Wednesday Free Movie Matinee at the Community Center

    Baton Twirling and Dance

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  • Save the Date... Inclusive Knights 2025 Interactive Concert

    When: April 8, 2025, at 11:00 AM
    Where: Dr. Phillips Center for the Performing Arts Steinmetz Hall
    What: Inclusive Knights 2025 interactive concert for students on the spectrum, all ESE students, and the general public!
    Why: Inclusive Knights is a concert that welcomes everyone. They engage the audience, teach about music, and allow for individual behaviors in a certified autism center.

    The cost to attend is FREE!!

    Save the date flyer with event time date and location information

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  • 2024-2025 Parent Training/Workshop Schedule

    We are excited about what the 2024-2025 school year has in store! Starting with these amazing Parent Training/Workshop opportunities being offered throughout the school year. Below is the schedule of tentative trainings/workshops being provided. If you don't see something you would like offered simply message and we will try to add your request. 


    2024-2025 Parent Training/Workshops/Events
    Date Event Name Location  Time
    Wednesday, 9/4 Lunch and Learn ESE Department Info and FND Overview Virtual 11:30
    Wednesday, 9/18 Afternoon Insights: It's All About the Apps Virtual 4:30
    Thursday, 9/26 FDLRS - Developing an IEP POSTPONED  
    Wednesday, 10/2 Lunch and Learn  An IEP That Works Virtual 11:30
    Wednesday, 10/16 Afternoon Insights: Positive Beginning to PBIS TBD 4:30
    Friday, 10/18 FDLRS Developing an IEP Virtual     11:30
    Wednesday, 11/6 Lunch and Learn Where's Your Oxygen Mask (GS) Virtual 11:30
    Wednesday, 11/13 FDLRS - The Road Trip to Behavior Strategies: Tips & Tools for Families and Caregivers  Poinciana HS 4:30
    Wednesday, 11/20 Afternoon Insights:  Caregiver Stress and Burnout Denn John MS 4:30
    Wednesday, 12/4 Lunch and Learn IDEA Module 1 Virtual 11:30
    Wednesday, 12/18 Afternoon Insights: IDEA Module 2 Virtual 4:30
    Wednesday, 1/8 Lunch and Learn Idea Module 3 POSTPONED 11:30
    Wednesday, 1/22 Afternoon Insights: IDEA Module 4 POSTPONED 4:30
    Wednesday, 2/5 Lunch and Learn Transitioning to Kindergarten Virtual 11:30
    Thursday, 2/13 Lunch and Learn IDEA Module 3 RESCHEDULE Virtual     12:00
    Wednesday, 2/19 Afternoon Insights: Early Coalition (GS) Denn John MS 4:30
    Thursday, 2/27 Evening With the Agencies Gateway HS       5:00
    Wednesday, 3/5 Lunch and Learn Nuts and Bolts of Self-Advocacy Virtual 11:30
    Thursday, 3/6 Afternoon Insights: IDEA Module 4 RESCHEDULE Virtual       2:00
    Wednesday, 3/12 Afternoon Insights: Nuts and Bolts of Self-Determination Virtual 4:30
    Wednesday, 4/2 Lunch and Learn Autism Awareness FDLRS - Lesson Pix Virtual      11:30
    Wednesday, 4/2 FDLRS- Lesson Pix St. Cloud ES 4:00
    Wednesday, 4/16 Afternoon Insights: Transition IEP and Moving Forward Virtual 4:30
    Wednesday, 5/7 Lunch and Learn Strategies That Work- Managining Mental Health Virtual 11:30
    Wednesday, 5/14 FDLRS - Topic TBD TBD Open
    Wednesday, 5/21 Afternoon Insights: Understanding Trauma Informed Care TBD 4:30
        TBD- To Be Determined  

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  • Family Inclusion Network (FIN) Statewide Family Series 2024-2025

    Join the Florida Inclusion Network (FIN) for a series of statewide family sessions related to the best practices for supporting students with disabilities in the least restrictive environment (LRE).


    For a complete list of sessions and corresponding links CLICK HERE

    Statewide Family Series 2024-2025 Sessions and links for registration

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  • Studio Movie Grill Special Needs Screenings
    Studio Movie Grill Sunset Walk will be hosting additional special needs screenings!
    December 7: Wicked
    December 14: Moana 2
    January 4: Sonic 3
    January 11: Mufasa: The Lion King
    February 8: Dog Man
    February 22: Paddington in Peru
    March 1: The Unbreakable Boy
    March 1: Captain America: Brave New World
    March 28: Snow White (Live Action)
    April 12: Minecraft
    May10: Thunderbolts
    All shows are at 11:00 AM--the box office opens at 10:00 AM the day of the show for tickets.
    Special Needs Screenings are FREE for all family members of guests with special needs! Tickets are available at the Box Office as early as the Wednesday prior to showtime. 
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  • FREE Books and Reading Activities

    Help your child develop their reading skills with FREE books and reading activities from Florida's New Worlds Reading Initiative!
    For information on how to apply please go to this LINK!
    ¡Ayude a su hijo a desarrollar sus habilidades de lectura con libros y actividades de lectura GRATIS de la Iniciativa de Lectura de Nuevos Mundos de Florida! Para obtener información sobre cómo postularse, vaya a este ENLACE!
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  • New Worlds Scholarship Accounts Program


    Effective July 1, 2023, the New Worlds Scholarship Accounts Program expanded eligibility to include public school students enrolled in kindergarten through grade 5 who:
    have a substantial deficiency in either reading or mathematics;
    exhibit characteristics of dyslexia or dyscalculia; or scored below a Level 3 on the statewide, standardized English Language Arts (ELA) or Mathematics assessment in the prior school year.

    The eligible expenditures for reimbursement are: Instructional materials; curriculum; tuition and fees for part-time tutoring services; fees for specialized summer education programs designed to improve reading, literacy, or mathematics skills; and fees for after-school education programs designed to improve reading, literacy, or mathematics skills.

    For more information on the scholarship please visit this

    A partir del 1 de julio de 2023, el Programa de Cuentas de Becas Nuevos Mundos amplió la elegibilidad para incluir a estudiantes de escuelas públicas matriculados desde jardín de infantes hasta quinto grado que:
    tener una deficiencia sustancial en lectura o matemáticas;
    exhibir características de dislexia o discalculia; o obtuvo una puntuación inferior al Nivel 3 en la evaluación estandarizada estatal de Artes del Lenguaje Inglés (ELA) o Matemáticas en el año escolar anterior.

    Los gastos elegibles para reembolso son: Materiales educativos; plan de estudios; matrícula y tarifas por servicios de tutoría a tiempo parcial; tarifas para programas educativos de verano especializados diseñados para mejorar las habilidades de lectura, alfabetización o matemáticas; y tarifas para programas de educación extraescolar diseñados para mejorar las habilidades de lectura, alfabetización o matemáticas.

    Para obtener más información sobre la beca, visite esta ENLACE

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  • Do you belong to the ESE Remind group?
    If not... here is how you can join! This is just one more way you can access information on upcoming trainings, workshops, and important things happening in the department!!
    Pick a way to receive messages from Exceptional Student Education
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  • Do You Follow Us on Facebook?

    If not, here is a link to do so! If you are wanting the most update to date information about parent trainings, resources, and other items that could benefit you and your child you should consider "LIKING" us on Facebook.

    Follow Use on Facebook with link and QR code

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  •      Director


    Director for
    Exceptional Student Education

    Per Osceola County School Board Rule 9.60(VI), all non-Osceola School District Employees and Osceola School District Employees without badges must check in with the front desk staff of Administrative Building 1 at:
    817 Bill Beck Boulevard
    Kissimmee, FL 34744

    Once checked in, you may proceed to the department's physical location at:
    805 Bill Beck Boulevard
    Kissimmee, FL 34744

    Phone: 407-343-8700
    Fax: 407-343-8626