- Boggy Creek Elementary
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What is REMIND?
Posted by:Remind is a two-way tool we use to communicate with parents and students in regards to updates, instruction, and more. Here are some things to know about Remind.
Remind is primarily a tool we use to communicate with parents. The only communication contact information loaded for students via Focus is their studentID@student.osceolaschools.net email account. For parents, it is the cell phone number associated with the primary custodial parent.
What is the school hours of operations?
Posted by:The first bell at Boggy Creek Elementary rings at 8:15 am.
Students are welcome to enter the school premises at 7:50am and have breakfast.
Dismissal is at 3:20pm.
Office hours are from 7:45am-4:00pm
How may I contact my child's teacher?
Posted by:At Boggy Creek Elementary we are commited to having an effective communication between parents and the school. Please contact your child's teacher by writing a note inside the agenda and have your child present that note to the teacher. You may also contact the school by calling 407-344-5060 and leave a message as well.
What is the Dual language program?
Posted by:The Dual Language Program is an educational model that promotes high academic achievement, while supporting second language development, and cross cultural understanding for all students. Academic subjects are taught to all students in English and Spanish. The program creates an additive bi-literate environment for all students; first language is maintained, while the second language is acquired.
What is AVID?
Posted by:AVID Elementary
By teaching and reinforcing academic behaviors and higher-level thinking at a young age, AVID Elementary teachers create a ripple effect in later grades. Elementary students develop the academic habits they will need to be successful in middle school, high school, and college, in an age-appropriate and challenging way. Children learn about organization, study skills, communication, and self-advocacy. AVID Elementary students take structured notes and answer and ask high-level questions that go beyond routine answers.
The strong college-going culture on an AVID Elementary campus encourages students to think about their college and career plans. Schools cover their walls with college pennants and banners, and educators speak about their college experiences. College and careers are no longer foreign concepts, and teachers provide the academic foundation students need to be on a path for college and career success. AVID Elementary closes the opportunity gap before it begins.
Schools may begin AVID Elementary by training teachers across a certain grade level(s) or the entire campus. The training can start with a group as small as four participating in three days of AVID professional learning.