How can I attend PATHS?
Students wishing to attend PATHS must meet minimum entry requirements and submit a valid Choice Application. Please note that while the School District of Osceola County closes the Choice window in February of each year, PATHS accepts Choice Applications through the start of school in August each year. Complete both applications below:
- Demonstrated proficiency on the 7th Grade FSA Reading Assessment
- Demonstrated proficiency on the Algebra 1 EOC (if applicable)
- Minimum of 2.0 GPA and current grades of C or higher in all core classes. (Tener un promedio mínimo de 2.0 y calificaciones de C or más en todas las clases principals.)
- No major discipline issues
- Positive Attendance Record
Applicants who are new or are returning to the Osceola County Public School District are required to bring official transcripts from their current school. (Nuevos candidatos ó estudiantes que están regresando al Distrito Escolar del Condado de Osceola se le require entregar una transcripción de crédito official de su escuela reciente.
Applicants under expulsion or under court ordered supervision will not be considered for entry until satisfactory completion of all requirements placed on the student from the expulsion or court ordered supervision are satisfied. (Los soliciantes bajo orden judicial supervisada no serán considerado sin antes finalizer satisfatoriamente un año en su escuela de zona.)
Students who do not have a 7th Grade FSA Reading score or who have taken Algebra 1 but do not have an Algebra 1 EOC score must contact oTECH to set up a time to take the TABE Basic Skills Test. Students must score at current grade level in all three areas (Math, Language, Reading). Attach a copy of your test scores to the application. (Si no tiene resultados del FSA contacte a oTECH para hacer una cita para que tomes el examen de nivel. Estudiantes interesados deben calificar.)
To schedule the TABE, contact oTECH's testing coordinator, 407-344-5080.
Students submitting their Choice application to attend PATHS during the open SDOC Choice Window should do so by following directions on the SDOC Choice Homepage
PATHS continues to accept Choice applications after the SDOC Choice Window closes.