• Attendance Policy:

    A student who has 15 unexcused absences from school within a 90 day period will have their driver’s license suspended. To reinstate your driver’s license with the DMV, student will have to maintain 30 consecutive days with no absences. Student must maintain their attendance in order to upkeep their driver’s license status.

    What is considered an excused absence?

    In order for an absence to be excused, the student must submit documentation within two school days of the absence to our attendance office. Student's parents may contact our Attendance Clerk  to report an absence by email or phone. If student’s absence is due to a medical reason they are allowed up to 5 excused absences per semester without medical documentation. After 5 days, student must bring in medical documentation. The student should submit documentation from the doctors with the exact time and date of the appointment(s) or illness.


    A pre-arranged absence must be submitted to the Principal 10 days in advance of the absence. Pre-arranged absences may or may not be excused. School district policy only allows 3 pre-arranged excused absences per year. The Principal reserves the right to deny the pre-arranged absence.


    Students tardy to school must check-in at the Dean’s Office. Four tardies to school may result in student discipline. Continued tardiness may result in in school suspension.


    Dismissals are not permitted within the last hour of the school day. 
    Students must be dismissed from school by a parent or other contact on their emergency contact form. A government photo ID must be presented to check a student out from school. We do not accept phones or emails for students who drive to be released early.  Parents must come in.

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    Jolene Cervera

    407-483-3685 Ext: 70200