• Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

    General Questions 

    What is Osceola Virtual School (OVS)? 

    Osceola Virtual School is our district's virtual (online) school for grades K-12.  We provide online independent learning curriculum and instruction for school-aged students residing in Osceola County, Florida. We primarily serve students in public schools (including charter schools) and home education. 

    Students who are enrolled will not follow a traditional bell schedule.  Students will have the flexibility to access their lessons 24/7.  Students will need to be independent learners as the teachers are only available in a supporting role.  Students will still follow the school district calendar. 

    What are the qualifications for full-time enrollment at Osceola Virtual School (OVS)?

    To qualify for full-time enrollment at OVS, students must have the following:

      • Score at grade level on all state and district assessments
      • Have a 2.0 cumulative GPA, C average and no D’s or F’s
      • High school students should be on track to graduate
      • If your student is entering Kindergarten, students will be given an in-person Kindergarten readiness screener to determine eligibility. 

    See what it is like to be a full-time student at OVS

    What curriculum will I use?

    FLVS online curriculum purchased for grades Kindergarten through 12th grade and supported by SDOC employees. All materials are online. For Full-time students, live lessons will be held every Monday. 

    Elementary Curriculum 

      • Language Arts
      • Mathematics 
      • Science 
      • Social Studies 
      • Art 
      • Physical Education 

    Middle School & High School Curriculum

    All core subjects are available through OVS (Language Arts, Math, Science and Social Studies.) Various electives are available for selection through your child's guidance counselor.

    Sample Lessons below:

    Notice from FLVS and our Franchise:

    "Please note that FLVS does not provide any Access Points of the Florida State Standards which offer modified curriculum and assessment options for students with intellectual disabilities or significant cognitive disabilities. Parents are encouraged to discuss Access Point options that are available in the district of record for students with significant cognitive disabilities who need reduced levels of complexity/reduced academic expectations to ensure successful student outcomes."

    Please see link below for more information.



    When and how can my student enroll at OVS?

    The OVS Full-Time programs enroll students twice per year, at the beginning of each semester (August, January).  Application and registration deadlines apply.  For specific information about those deadlines and process, you can visit our admissions page

    Part-time students can enroll and complete courses throughout the school calendar year (August-May). Check with your primary school's counselor for details.

    Home Education is considered part-time. Families may apply anytime throughout the school year. May take up to 4 classes at once. Submit your letter of intent to the Home Education Department via email homeeducation@osceolaschools.net. Once you receive your letter confirming registration with Home Education, please call our office at 407-870-1445 so that we may assist you with signing up for classes. 

    What is the difference between full-time and part-time?

    Full-time students are in our public school program and receive all of their instruction through our school.  They do not participate in any classes at a local, traditional school.

    Part-time students are registered and attending classes at a local, brick and mortar school and are taking one or more classes with OVS.  Virtual classes can be taken as part of the school day or outside the school day. 

    Home Education is considered part-time. Families may apply anytime throughout the school year. Students may take up to 4 classes at once.

    What is the difference between OVS and a home education program?

    Although OVS students work from home, when they are enrolled in our Full-Time program they are considered to be public school students.  Students at OVS follow the same requirements as a traditional school, follow a pacing guide, and can earn a high school diploma.  Home Education students are not eligible for a high school diploma.  

    What is the difference between OVS and FLVS?

    Both programs utilize the same online curriculum and platform (FLVS). OVS classes are taught by local Osceola County teachers and we follow the district calendar. OVS teachers are available by phone and you may also reach out to our local school office in St. Cloud. OVS has an articulation agreement with Valencia and oTECH.

    Will my student be required to take state testing?

    Students in this virtual platform are still required to take all state testing (FSA, EOC, AP, etc.). Failure to attend the testing will result in removal from the program. At this time, state testing is only conducted face-to-face. Parents are responsible for providing transportation to the testing location.

    Can my student work at a flexible pace?

    OVS full-time students are required to complete their courses during the school year, maintaining a minimum pace throughout the year. Each course includes pace charts to clearly show students and parents the weekly requirements. Students should remain no more than two weeks ahead of the pacing guide provided.

    Courses are designed to be completed in 18 weeks but can be completed sooner.

    If my child enrolls in OVS and doesn't like it, are they required to stay?

    Students may withdraw from OVS at any time.  Transitions are easiest at the end of the semester, but students will not be prohibited from withdrawing. Transfer grades are available only upon full completion of a course. 

    As a full-time student, how many classes do I need to take?

    Full-time students are required to take 6 courses each semester for a total of 6 credits during the school year.  Typically, this includes the four core academic classes and 2 electives.

    How does attendance work at Virtual School?

    Attending a virtual class means engaging in lessons and submitting work. If you are not submitting work on a weekly basis, you are not attending class. Working each day, submitting assignments weekly and attending Live Lessons is considering attending class, which leads to engagement, learning momentum and success!

    Do I need a computer, the internet, and a printer?

    Yes, all students will need access to a computer, the internet, and a printer.

    We are proud to announce that The Osceola County School district will provide laptops for all of our full-time students. It is required that all full-time students use our laptop as this is the laptop that will be used for testing. Full-time students are required to bring their school-issued laptop anytime they are asked to come to campus.

    The Internet is needed. If you are a full-time student and do not have the internet, please call our office and we can see if you qualify for an internet hotspot. 

    Students will need access to a printer at home to be able to print when required.

    What browser should I use?

    We recommend that you use Google Chrome or Firefox.

    K-5 Questions

    What is a learning coach?

    Every student in the virtual school, especially at the elementary level, requires the support of a learning coach.  The learning coach is often the parent/guardian but could also be another loving adult in the home.  The learning coach provides the student with the structure, support, and assistance they need throughout the day to be successful. The Learning Coach works in partnership with the child's teacher throughout the school year. 

    What are the responsibilities of a learning coach/parent?

    A Learning Coach, aka the supervising adult at home, assists their student with signing onto the platform, finding the correct lessons, reading material to their child, ensuring their child is understanding the information taught and completing the correct paper/pencil and hands on tasks associated with each lesson.

    What does it look like on a typical school day for a full-time OVS student?

    The younger the student, the more learning coach participation is necessary.  Students will work for approximately 5 hours per day, with time built in for breaks, lunch, and play.  The student may be utilizing the online curriculum program, participating in live online tutoring, working with their learning coach and/or receiving help from the teacher during this time. 

    Is there “live” teacher/student interaction?

    Teachers will open their virtual classroom to students each week for mandatory live lessons. These times will be listed on the teacher's dashboard / homepage. Additional times for tutoring will also be available and can be requested with the teacher. There are times that tutoring may be required for individual student academic needs.

    How rigorous is the virtual curriculum?

    It is just as demanding as our brick and mortar Osceola public schools.  It covers all the state benchmarks and assessments.

    Can students work ahead in the curriculum?

    Our curriculum is self-paced, meaning that students have the ability to access their lessons 24/7 and develop their learning schedule the majority of the school week. However, full-time students should be no more than two weeks ahead of the teacher's pacing guide. 

    Can my child get one on one or small group help if needed?

    Yes!  This is one of our favorite parts of virtual school.  If your child needs assistance, they will meet their teacher in a virtual classroom either one on one or in a small group. Tutoring may be required if a student is not meeting minimum requirements.

    Can my child complete the daily virtual program without an adult’s assistance?

    An adult is required to be physically present when schooling.   Kindergarten and First Grade students typically require the most help.  As students progress through grade levels, they require less and less adult assistance. 

    What classes would my elementary child take at OVS?

    Elementary students would enroll in 6 courses: Mathematics, English/Language Arts, Social Studies, Science, Physical Education and Art.

    6-12 Questions 

    What does it look like on a typical school day for a full-time OVS student?

    Students will take 6 courses throughout the year and will spend approximately 1 hour per course, per day working in their classes.   Additional time should be built in for breaks and lunch. Therefore, the student's school day would likely be about 7 hours in length.  During the day, all students would be working in the online platform, they may be emailing, texting, or calling their teacher and/or participating in an online, live session.

    Are students required to log in for live instruction daily?

    The OVS curriculum is designed primarily for students to work independently.  Teachers can make some of these activities mandatory, especially for students who are struggling with concepts or if they are not maintaining an adequate pace.  In addition to these opportunities, all students in our full-time program will have a mandatory online Live Lesson each Monday of the school calendar year.  All activities are scheduled well in advance and the schedule is posted for students in their homeroom online class page.

    What is a learning coach?

    Every student in the virtual school, regardless of grade level, requires the support of a learning coach.  The learning coach is often the parent/guardian but could also be another loving adult in the home.  The learning coach provides the student with the structure, support, and assistance they need throughout the day to be successful.  For older students, the Learning Coach is essential in keeping the student on a daily schedule, so they can meet deadlines and finish courses successfully. 

    What courses are available for students?

    OVS is a franchise of FLVS, therefore we offer almost all the same courses as FLVS.  If a student is interested in a FLVS course we do not offer, it can be taken with FLVS with the help of our counselors.  Both OVS and FLVS use the same platform, so the student would still have one log in.  View the current OVS Course list on our website.

    Does OVS offer advanced academic programs, like AP, AICE, IB and/or dual enrollment?

    OVS offers students enrollment options for Honors and Dual Enrollment.

    Can my student earn a high school diploma with OVS?

    Yes, students who are enrolled in our full-time public school program and who meet all state and district graduation requirements will earn a diploma.

    Can my student participate in the graduation ceremony at the school they attended before OVS?

    Full-time OVS students would participate in the OVS graduation ceremony, they would not be permitted to participate in the ceremony at any other school.

    Can my student participate in athletics if they are enrolled at OVS?

    Students are permitted to participate in athletics at a traditional public school as long as they meet eligibility requirements as defined by Osceola Public Schools and the FHSAA.

    Can students still take classes at the local school if they are in OVS Full-Time?

    A family looking for this option would utilize OVS in a part-time manner.  The student would remain enrolled at the brick and mortar school and take some classes with OVS part-time.  If this is desired, the family would work through the child’s school and guidance counselor to determine which classes would be at school and which would be online