• Key Club is an international organization that partners with schools to create a community of people that puts service above self. The Kiwanis, our parent organization, hosts charity and service events regularly, and is celebrating their 100-year anniversary in 2024!

  • Officers

    President: Bruna Grossman

    Vice President: Frank Mendoza

    Lieutenant Governor: Areeza Changazi

    Secretary: Sohaib Lemhrari

    Treasurer: Jenna Domas

    Editor: Adam Ouaakki

    Webmaster: Ana Harte de Almieda


    Class Representatives

    9th Grade: Fiorella Erdody

    10th Grade: Valerie Vega

    11th Grade: Divine Nsangu

    12th Grade: Yasmina Mricha

  • Remind - @clhskey

    Instagram - @thekeyclubchs