• Denn John 1:1 Laptop Initiative

    The goal of Denn John Middle School’s One to One initiative is to provide all students with the technology and resources needed for creative digital collaboration while engaged in academic work.  

    All students are provided with a working laptop and charger at the beginning of the school year. Students must bring their provided laptop to school every day, fully charged and ready for class. 

    Our vision for the 1:1 technology initiative is to provide a collaborative learning environment that will increase academic growth in all content areas. It is essential that all students master how to navigate a digital educational environment. All textbooks/curriculum materials come with digital components. Most post-secondary opportunities require a basic understanding of specific apps and programs. Laptops are considered an essential student resource, like textbooks or any other school-provided educational resource.  Students are expected to ensure that all devices checked out for them are stored securely in their bag to prevent devices from being damaged. 

  • Device Care Tips:

    • Charge device each night with it turned off.
    • Charge and store on a hard surface so it does not overheat laptop or block airflow.
    • Keep laptop away from food and drinks, small children, and pets.
    • Keep protective case on laptops and handle with care.

    Student Expectations:

    • Bring laptop to school fully charged everyday.
    • A case must be on the lap top at all times and have your charger with you.
    • Only the student that the device is checked out to should be using it. Do not lend it out.
    • Damages must be reported immediately - even if it is accidental.
    • Lost/Stolen must be reported immediately, and a police report must be filed.
    • Laptops are monitored at all times. Only use it for school appropriate tasks.

    Trouble Shooting:

    • Restart your laptop.
    • Confirm device is connected to the internet.
    • Update Chrome to the latest version.
    • Confirm device is not on airplane mode.
    • Ask your 1st period teacher to submit a tech request ticket.