• FHSAA GPA Requirements

  • Osceola High School offers a wide variety of athletic opportunities.  A student shall be eligible during the first semester of their ninth-grade year if it is the student's first entry in the ninth grade, and they were regularly promoted from the eighth grade the preceding year.  After the first semester, all eligibility rules will apply.  For a student to be eligible to participate in athletics, they must:

    1. Be a registered student carrying a full credit load,
    2. Maintain an overall 2.0 GPA on a 4.0 unweighted scale
    3. Must not turn 19 before Sept. 1 and
    4. May not be enrolled for more than 8 semesters, and
    5. Have passed a pre-participation physical each year.

    A student that is academically eligible at the beginning of a semester will continue to be eligible for that entire semester.  LIkewise, a student who is academically ineligible at the beginning of a semester will continue to be academically ineligible for that entire semester.  The student's academic eligibility for each successive semester will depend upon his/her cumulative GPA at the conclusion of the previous semester.

    The NCAA Eligibility Center

    The NCAA Eligibility Center certifies the academic and amateur credentials of all student who want to become student-athletes at an NCAA Division I or II institution as a freshman.  In order to practice, play, and/or receive an athletic scholarship, students need to meet certain academic criteria.  To determine eligibility, student must register and be evaluated by the NCAA Eligibility Center at http://www.eligibilitycenter.org.

    Fall Athletics

    Winter Athletics

    Spring Athletics

    Football (M)

    Volleyball (W)

    Cross Country (M, W)

    Golf (M, W)

    Swimming (M, W)

    Basketball (M, W)

    Competition Cheerleading (W, M)

    Weightlifting (W)

    Soccer (M, W)

    Wrestling (M, W)

    Baseball (M)

    Softball (W)

    Track & Field (M, W)

    Flag Football (W)

    Weightlifting (M)

    Tennis (M, W)

    Water Polo (M, W)

    M=Men   I  W=Women