• Student surveys will be available March 10th -March 14th. Here are the directions:
    Steps for Administering the Student Survey:
    1. Select a Day for the Survey:
      • Choose one morning (March 10th–March 14th) for all students in grades 3-12 to take the survey. Ideally, everyone should take the survey at the same time, first thing in the morning.
      • REA recommends Wednesday morning for this.
    2. Review the PowerPoint and Directions:
      • Before the survey day, review the PowerPoint and directions so that you’re prepared to answer any questions that may arise.
    3. Distribute PowerPoint and Directions to Teachers:
      • Send the PowerPoint and directions to the teachers who will be responsible for administering the survey to students.
    4. Remind Teachers on the Day of the Survey:
      • On the morning of the survey, remind teachers about the survey.
      • Use various methods to ensure the message gets across, such as:
        • Announcements (in person or via loudspeakers)
        • Emails
        • Visual reminders (posters or flyers)
        • A fun reminder, like a song over the intercom.
    5. Final Reminder to Students:
      • On the day of the survey, remind everyone to have students log into the survey, complete all questions, and submit it.
      • The goal is to achieve 80% completion.
    Please remember that students who are not allowed to take the survey will not have the ClassLink icon for the survey link.
    Thank You,