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Poinciana High School Athletics
Poinciana High School is the home to Eagle Nation. Our Athletic Program consists of 20 varsity level athletic programs. We believe that athletics is essential to the positive culture of Poinciana High School.
Student Athletic Fee for 2024-2025 school year (will receive a pass to all home regular season games):
Aktivate Athlete Registration website required to register students to participate in athletics (Create account and keep log-in for account for all years of participation to renew yearly):
PE Uniforms
Important Resources
Athletic Physical Packet 2024-2025
All signature pages are now completed online with Aktivate. The packet includes instructions how to complete those online forms. The online clearance is required for each school year. The physicians physical is good for 365 days from the date of evaluation. The ECG is only required the first year of athletic participation at the High School level. Incoming Freshman may have an ECG done anytime after April 1st prior to Freshman year beginning.
The physical and ECG should be uploaded into Aktivate in the corresponding place. The only papers being turned in to participate in Athletics is the physical page signed by the physician and ECG page if requested by Ms. King or Mrs. Mills. Please turn papers in to Ms. King, Mrs. Mills or your coach only!
GA4 - Recruitment Affidavit
This form is needed if your student has at any time attended school at another high school and is now wanting to play sports here at PHS.