- Adult Learning Center Osceola
- Bellalago Academy
- Boggy Creek Elementary School
- Canoe Creek K-8
- Celebration High
- Celebration K-8
- Central Avenue Elementary
- Chestnut Elementary School for Science and Engineering
- Cypress Elementary
- Deerwood Elementary
- Denn John Middle
- Discovery Intermediate
- East Lake Elementary
- Flora Ridge Elementary
- Gateway High
- Harmony Community School
- Harmony High School
- Harmony Middle
- Hickory Tree Elementary
- Highlands Elementary
- Horizon Middle
- Island Village Elementary
- Kissimmee Elementary
- Kissimmee Middle
- Knights Point K-8
- Koa Elementary
- Lakeview Elementary
- Liberty High
- Michigan Avenue Elementary
- Mill Creek Elementary
- Narcoossee Elementary
- Narcoossee Middle
- NeoCity Academy
- Neptune Elementary
- Neptune Middle
- New Beginnings Education Center
- Osceola County School for the Arts
- Osceola High
- Osceola Technical College
- Osceola Virtual School
- Parkway Middle
- Partin Settlement Elementary
- Pleasant Hill Elementary
- Poinciana Academy of Fine Arts
- Poinciana High
- Professional and Technical High
- Reedy Creek Elementary
- St. Cloud Elementary
- St. Cloud High
- St. Cloud Middle
- Sunrise Elementary
- Thacker Avenue Elementary School for International Studies
- Tohopekaliga High
- Ventura Elementary
- Voyager K-8
- Westside K-8
- Zenith Accelerated Learning Academy
TDap Vaccination Events for 6th Graders provided by The Osceola County Health Department. The state of Florida requires that all 6th graders receive this vaccine before entering into the 7th grade. Vaccination events will be held at Middle and K-8 schools during the school day. Parental permission slips will be provided and required to participate. Please contact your child's school for more information.
Water Safety
SDOC Network Acceptable Use Policy
Middle School Varsity Tutoring
The Osceola School District has partnered with Varsity Tutors, an online learning platform with tutoring resources, to provide our students with powerful supplemental learning tools. Whether studying core subjects, learning new topics, or trying to improve grades, Varsity Tutors provides the extra support our students need, when they need it.
Random Search Announcement
School News
Ur Learning Solution
Start the school year with the right tools with Ur Learning Solution. Let us help you keep moving forward on the road to success. Read more here!
Keep Osceola Safe
The Osceola School Board is committed to the safety and security of all students, staff, and visitors. The Osceola School District has detailed comprehensive safety and emergency plans for every site, and all schools regularly conduct various drills, such as fire drills, severe weather drills, and intruder drills, to prepare students for an emergency.
Let's Talk with the Osceola School District
The Osceola School District is committed to engaging all stakeholders in the education of our children. Only when we build strong relationships with our staff, students, families and community members can we best meet the needs of each and every student.
Share Your Great
Have you been inspired by someone in our schools? Is your school helping us build our legacy as we move from Good to Great? Do you have a teacher who has made a difference on your life or the life of your child? Share the good news with us!
Learn More About Here Comes The Bus
Here Comes the Bus is easy-to-use school bus tracking software that gives parents and students the ability to track the location of their school buses.
School District News
Health Guidance For Going To School
Showing up to school every day is critical for children's well-being, engagement, and learning. Click the link to determine when to come to school and when to stay home when sick.
An Evening with the Agencies Event
Prepare for the Future! This event offers Standard Diploma Deferral and 18–22-Year-Old Transition Options, Health Care Transition: Moving from Pediatric to Adult Health Services Accessing Resources Available through Vocational Rehabilitation (VR) Agency for Persons with Disabilities, exhibits, and more!
View the Class of 2025 Graduation Dates Here
All graduations will be held in the Arena at Osceola Heritage Park.
Safety & Security Measures
View the Safety & Security measures that are keeping Osceola School District students and staff safe.
Statement from the Osceola County School District regarding NIL for High School Students
On June 4, 2024, the Florida High School Athletic Association’s (FHSAA) Board of Directors unanimously approved the revision of FHSAA Bylaw 9.9, Amateurism, to include Name, Image, and Likeness (NIL).
NCMS is an "A" School!!!
NCMS Vision Statement
Our #1 priority is student achievement, with high expectations being the responsibility of our entire community.
Everything we do is solely for the students; we believe we can teach all students and that all students will learn if given the appropriate resources.
NCMS Mission Statement
The Narcoossee Middle School Community will empower stakeholders to relentlessly pursue success through collaboration, a growth mindset, and a safe environment. Our learners will be entrusted with skills necessary to excel as future ready graduates.
Lucile Schneider, Assistant Principal
Jamie Hopkins, Assistant Principal
ACCELERATION PLAN (Adopted 08-07-12)
The academic progress of all students, including those students who exceed curriculum benchmarks, remains a high priority for the school district. Per 1002.3105, Florida Statutes, Academically Challenging Curriculum to Enhance Learning (ACCEL), the district provides a plan for acceleration decisions within the district’s existing Multi-Tiered System of Supports/Response to Intervention (MTSS/RtI) framework. School level Problem Solving Teams shall review assessment data at the beginning of the school year to determine which students may benefit from acceleration options. High performing students who show the need for additional enrichment and challenging curriculum options are currently placed in the appropriate classroom with differentiated instruction. If you have further questions or would like to inquire about ACCEL options, please contact the school office.
Principal's Corner
Dr. Francisco Rivera Mieles, Principal
Please click to view the Letter to the Community for 3rd Quarter
Incoming 6th Grade Elective Course Selections
Let IT Shine Campaign
Bus Information
Please click below to access the bus information:
Before the Bell Program Information
CogniaTM offers accreditation and certification, assessment, professional learning, and improvement solutions to institutions and other education providers. As a global nonprofit working in 90+ countries, Cognia serves 36,000 institutions, nearly 25 million students, and five million educators every day.