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We are an AVID National Demonstration School!

Congratulations to the students and staff of Poinciana High School for becoming the only AVID National Demonstartion High School in Osceola County!  This recognition represents PHS as an institution of life-long learners commited to WICOR best instructional practices. Poinciana High School was also recently recognized to be featured in AVID's National Showcase which will be taking place virtually this year.  We are the only high school to be featured on this digital platform in the country! Way to Rep the P, Eagles! 

 AVID Cert

Our AVID Ambassadors speaking at our Demonstration School visit displaying student leadership

AVID Ambassadors


Collaborative Structures

Collaborative Structures

Socratic Seminars

Socratic Seminar



World Cafe

World Cafe

Mixer of peer coaches from AVID and the Eagle Academy

Peer Coach Mixer

Cross Curricular Gallery Walks demonstrating teacher leadership

Cross Curricular

Strategy Spotlight celebrating teacher commitment to WICOR and student success

Strategy Spotlight

WICOR Warrior Award selected and celebarated by the students

WICOR Warrior