Tips for Practicing Active Listening

Posted by Donna Rain-O'Dell on 5/15/2020 7:00:00 AM

Have you taken the pledge to Check-In yet?  You can use these active listening tips when you check in.

  • Make eye contact while the other person speaks. In general, you should aim for eye contact about 60-70% of the time while you are listening. Lean toward the other person, and nod your head occasionally
  • Instead of offering advice or opinions, simply paraphrase what has been said. You might start this off by saying "In other words, what you are saying is...".
  • Do not interrupt while the other person is speaking. Do not prepare your reply while the other person speaks; the last thing that he or she says may change the meaning of what has already been said.
  • In addition to listening to what is said, watch nonverbal behavior to pick up on hidden meaning. Facial expressions, tone of voice, and other behaviors can sometimes tell you more than words alone.
  • While listening, shut down your internal dialogue. Avoid daydreaming. It is impossible to attentively listen to someone else and your own internal voice at the same time.
  • Show interest by asking questions to clarify what is said. Ask open-ended questions to encourage the speaker. Avoid closed yes-or-no questions that tend to shut down the conversation.
  • Avoid abruptly changing the subject; it will appear that you were not listening to the other person.
