Agritechnology/Horticultural Science and Services

  • agi




    This course is designed to develop competencies in the areas of agricultural history and the global impact of agriculture; career opportunities; scientific and research concepts; biological and physical science principles; environmental principles; Agriscience safety; principles of leadership; and agribusiness, employability, and human relations skills in Agriscience. Laboratory-based activities are an integral part of this course. These include the safe use and application of appropriate technology, scientific testing and observation equipment. Course counts as a science credit
    Grades: 9, 10, 11, 12
    Prerequisite: None

    This course is designed to develop competencies in the areas of career opportunities; global importance of agriculture; plant classification; propagation; growing media; nutritional needs; fertilization; irrigation; pest identification; pest control, pruning; plant installation; transplanting; safe hand-tool use; and employability skills.
    Grades: 10, 11, 12
    Prerequisite: Agriscience Foundations I

    This course is designed to develop competencies in the areas of industry regulations; plant classification; plant transportation; soil sampling and analysis; fertilizer calculations; recording keeping; irrigation components, water quality; drainage; integrated pest management; pesticide safety and regulations; equipment calibration; chemical growth regulators; xeriscaping; integrated landscape management; safe use of power equipment; record keeping; and employability skills.
    Grades: 10, 11, 12
    Prerequisite: Introductory Horticulture 2